Here's What You Should Be Careful Of This Thanksgiving, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Thanksgiving is going to be one big pile of joy for many of us. We get to reunite (hopefully in a happy manner!) with our relatives, feast on really good food, and celebrate a big seasonal get-together. But something even more intense will be happening this season that each zodiac sign needs to be aware of the week of Thanksgiving: planetary movements!
For starters, Scorpio season comes to a slow end that week. Sagittarius season begins on Nov. 22, the same day as Thanksgiving. The moon will also be moving out of the sign of Taurus. Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving will yield a full moon in Gemini. (So that's two whammies in two days!) This will also form an "opposition," which is what happens when two sister signs with the same modality but harmonious elements are in two planets.
Ultimately, it will lead to a buttload of energy being dumped right onto earth and into our energetic fields.
Not to mention that right after those action-packed two days, Neptune will go into direct in its home of Pisces on Nov. 24, leading us to be more emotional and in tune with the universe. So take a deep breath now, guys.
This may lead to some difficulties in sussing out your inner sense of truth. But never fear: change is here! Read on to find out what the stars may have in store for you this Thanksgiving.
Your sun will see movement in the 9th house of philosophy and truth. That is a house naturally ruled by fire, so you can bet that you're going to be feeling a tad less hotheaded and maybe a little more composed about handling conflict.
However, as the moon falls in your 3rd house of communication, watch out for having slightly more argumentative tendencies. Tap into some meditation on how to be mindful of your emotions during this time. Observe what your worldview is when you feel anger or negativity flare up... and communicate it productively, rather than yelling.
You've got this, Aries — now go out and use your fire to inspire your relatives.
The good news is the full moon in Gemini will hit right in your natural ruling house of material possessions, the 2nd house. Which is nice because the holidays are approaching and it's the perfect time to acquire more — or generously give away! — belongings.
But the sun is also hitting your 8th house of transformation and psychic change, and that can feel uncomfortable as it is in direct opposition to your natural ruling house. You're not used to feeling intensely, but during this time you might find yourself with more possessive tendencies (your cousin wants to play with your new stuff! Heck no!).
Be sure to take some deep breaths and expect to see yourself uncharacteristically annoyed, but don't resist the metamorphoses in store during this time.
The full moon in Gemini is going to be at its height on Black Friday, so be prepared to feel an intellectual high. Whenever it's a full moon in Gemini, everyone on earth is going to feel a different shift in wanting to use their brains to critically think.
This means your natal sun placement in Gemini will feel an extra ability to use your wits and thoughtfulness to benefit the community around you. This could come in handy during Black Friday shopping ... just remember to also be careful to mind the impact of your words during this time, especially if you get into an argument. Not everyone might be ready for any harsh truths you dole out!
The sun will be in your 6th house of health and wellness during this time, as you move from when Scorpio transited your 5th house of pleasure to being more thoughtful about what needs you might have to fulfill this month.
There will be an opposition with the moon in your 12th house of the subconscious, though — so be prepared for some turmoil in that department! You might feel some strange holiday memories from your past surfacing, but let them come up. You're safe in the embrace of your current loved ones, and any inner trauma that needs healing is nothing to be scared of.
Lucky you — the sun will be in your natural 5th ruling house of pleasure, so if you see anyone more prone to wanting to talk to you than usual, it's because they want a piece of your shine, Leo.
Don't be freaked out that your pride members are all seeking your wise counsel or think you're the life of the party this week, because you have every reason to be the proud lion you should be. If you're feeling a little down in the dumps, try meeting up with some new friends or taking on a new challenge that indulges the senses (rock climbing? Karaoke? Anything?). You'll be glad you did, because you need that energy boost to capitalize on this opportunity right now.
You work so hard, and it's about time that your natal sun saw a change as it fits neatly into the 4th house of comfort and home. You're going to want to stick closer to your loved ones, more than your independent self usually needs.
On the other hand, your moon will see movement in its 10th house. So be prepared to be a little luckier in the career department — maybe you'll get an unexpected opportunity at work, be inspired with a new idea or all-around be appreciated for being such a boss. You need to be aware that you are valued in the home and the office this holiday season, so open yourself up and receive all da blessings.
You will be seeing some sun movements in your 3rd house of communication, so you will find yourself blurting out things you think more often than your balanced Libra self is.
Your moon is also moving in the 9th house during this time, so you'll be wanting to get all your neighbors, family, and friends in a philosophizing mood. While people discuss the news at the dinner table, you might find yourself wanting to unite everyone by talking about your beliefs and world views. This is actually quite a good thing for such a chatty curious soul like yourself. So embrace it!
The sun is moving out of your natal sign and into your 2nd house of material possessions. You're not a naturally materialistic sign, so you may be missing the point on why you should embrace the holiday shopper season. But don't sit back on the sidelines too much, Scorpio! Maybe buying something nice for yourself can inspire you out of a funk.
Because that's not the only oppositional energy you may be facing. Your moon will be feeling your natal energy of the 8th house, so it'll feel right at home there. But that pesky sun placement may mess with your head and inhibit your ability to feel as deeply as you usually do... but let yourself come up for air. Not every day needs to be a deep dive into the psyche, and this Thanksgiving, your task is to relax and let someone else help the world for a change. You got this.
Happy soon-to-be-your birthday, Sag! The sun is in your natal sign now, and your 1st house will be buzzing with energy as you settle into your identity. You're going to be quite the leader this Thanksgiving, whether it's giving your family a new perspective on a key issue or just serving up more turkey firsthand at the dinner table.
Your moon will also be in the 7th house of partnerships, so watch out for yourself to be on the hunt for some romance. And why not? The holiday season is totally prime for hunting. This is your time to shine, so embrace it.
The sun is hitting your 12th house of the subconscious, heralding the arrival of Capricorn season in late December. Meanwhile, you got some clearing out to do, and you can bet you'll be looking forward to that.
You're naturally a very thoughtful, goal-oriented soul, so definitely throw that aspect of yourself out there when it comes to your 6th house of health and wellness being influenced by the full Gemini moon. If any urges to communicate or ask others for advice come up during this time, don't be afraid to lead on someone else for a change.
Remember to self-love! You're supposed to relax this week, which you probably aren't that great at doing, but this time you should!
You will feel a surge in your capacity to give to your friends as the sun aspects your natal 11th house of friendships. You're a naturally friendly person that values bonds, and Thanksgiving dinner or Black Friday could be the opportunity you're looking for to throw a great get-together or just get out of your house. Bounce around from idea to idea, because this is a great time for you to use those to build a community.
Your moon will see movement in the 4th house of family and familiarity, so really harness that during this time. You can be a bit of an independent fish, but this Thanksgiving season, embrace that sometimes you should tell your family you love them instead of expecting their levels of consciousness to reach yours.
On the other hand, the sun will be placed in your 10th house of career, so take this time to research those new job options you might have open... you never know what you might find.