
'The Magicians' Season 3 Needs These Things

by Lindsey Kupfer
Carole Segal/Syfy

It seems the magical world of Fillory is just beginning. The Magicians was renewed for Season 3 recently, but according to Deadline, fans will be waiting till 2018 for the premiere. Season 2 of SyFy's hit magic show premiered in January, so it seems likely that Season 3 will follow suit and premiere early in the year. At least that’s what we’re hoping for. Between Eliot being banned from Fillory and Penny fighting for his life after entering the poison room, there’s a lot that’s about to go down on the Season 2 finale. Since we have to wait eight long months for new episodes, it’s only fitting that we start getting excited about it and talking about what we want to see in Season 3 of The Magicians.

First, a quick recap of what’s coming in the finale. Last week, Penny and Sylvia entered the poison room, which as you can imagine leaves Penny with lesions on his spine. Unless they can find a cure, he’ll be dead within two-three weeks. Elsewhere, Margo is in another world trying to save Fen after she made a deal to give the unborn baby over to the fairies. Julia, Q and Eliot will head back to Fillory and try to save magic from being completely destroyed. On top of it all, Kady has a mental breakdown after Raynard left with his mom, Our Lady Underground.

Yeah, like I said, it’s a lot to cover in an hour, but let’s start talking about Season 3.

Alice And Q Reconciliation 

We finally got Alice back after she niffined out, but she's not the same as she used to be and she hasn't forgiven Q for getting her shade back. I, for one, am ready to have the old Alice back. 

Ember's Downfall

I don't know why Ember's pooping in the wellspring and banishing people from the kingdom, but he needs to knock it off. They keep talking about how all magic and Fillory will die without the wellspring, so I'm not sure why Ember is making things harder. It's time for him to be taken down a notch by Eliot and the rest of the gang. 

A New Villain 

Carole Segal/Syfy

The Beast is gone, Ember is more of a minor complication and Raynard went bye-bye with mom. So, what's next? We need a new central villain for the show next season. 

Penny's Magic Returns

Eric Milner/Syfy

It's time for Penny's hands to get their magic back. We've been waiting awhile for him to do magic again. Season 3 is his time. 

More Sylvia 

Eike Schroter/Syfy

I know it seems like Sylvia died in the poison room last week, but I just don't know how real that is at the moment and I actually liked her. They introduced a lot of random information about her dad and herself to get rid of her one episode later. 

Jane Chatwin Flashbacks

I want more flashbacks of Jane Chatwin while she was alive in Fillory. There are a bunch of books and we've seen some of her adventures while she was young with Martin, but I would like to see more of that. 

Fen Saved From The Fairies 

It was really crappy of Margo to sell Eliot and Fen's baby to the fairies. If it doesn’t happen in the Season 2 finale, we need to see her reverse that deal at some point in Season 3.

Eliot Forgives Margo 

On that same note, we need Eliot to forgive Margo. The only way Fillory survives is when those two are on the same team. Life just isn’t right when they’re feuding.

New Worlds

Eike Schroter/Syfy

The recent introduction of the Underworld confirmed that we need more introductions to fun new worlds in the Magicians world. Even if they just went back to the Underworld, that would be enough for me.

Time Loop Flashbacks 

The idea that they have been living on a time loop and have all died 39 times means that there are plenty of flashbacks to different loops we can see. I definitely would love to see how things turned out in different versions of attempting to kill Martin Chatwin.

More Cursing Dragons

Okay, the talking dragon last week was one of the highlights of the season. More please.

Back To Classes

Are these kids ever going to go back to school and learn more magic? Is school still in session? Why is no one going anymore? We need answers.

Julia's Powers 

We’ve only seen a fraction of what Julia is capable of. Next season we need to see more of her powers and have her learn some crazy new tricks.

Even if none of these things happen, I would be satisfied with more drunk Eliot.