
The Zodiac Knows Which 'GoT' Character You Are

by Sabienna Bowman

The long wait for Game of Thrones Season 7 is almost over, but if you need one more distraction to get through this last Westeros-less month, I've got just the thing to keep you occupied. In between theorizing about who will be Azor Ahai reborn and planning your premiere viewing party, why not find out which Game of Thrones character you are based on your sign. Hey, don't scoff — you know Melisandre would be all over the Zodiac if it was a thing in Asshai.

Besides, people have been looking to the stars for answers about why they are the way they are for centuries now, so there must be something to it. More importantly, the characters you love and loathe from the world of Game of Thrones are uniquely qualified to exemplify the star signs because they are so complex. Tyrion, Arya, and Daenerys all possess qualities that are both admirable and destructive. Somehow, it's easy to relate to them, even though you would never serve up Frey pie to anyone.

Whether you believe in the Zodiac's ability to tap into personality traits or not, you have to admit precious few things are as entertaining as reading your horoscope. And guess what? Discovering which Game of Thrones character you are will be just as entertaining — and don't worry, no one will be saddled with the burden of being told they're just like Ramsay Bolton.

1. Aries: Jaime Lannister

Jaime's sense of justice is so strong he committed himself to a lifetime of being called the Kingslayer to save the people of King's Landing. Just like you, his blood gets flowing when there's a good fight brewing, he has trouble dealing with authority figures, loves to dig his heels in when he's told what he can't do, and is loyal to a fault. In fact, loyalty is both his best and worst quality, as it often results in him doing terrible things in the name of love.

2. Taurus: Oberyn Martell

Those born under the Taurus sign are pleasure seekers. Like Oberyn, you love all the sensual aspects of life and enjoy them to their fullest. Life is meant to be savored, not rushed through, and when you commit to someone, you do it with your whole heart. However, you also possess the trait that ultimately led to Oberyn's demise: stubbornness — although, you and Oberyn know there are some injustices that simply cannot be forgotten.

3. Gemini: Cersei Lannister

On the outside, Cersei is an iron fist who shows no weakness and suffers no fools. Inwardly, she is far more complicated. Cersei has her vulnerabilities, her heartbreaks, and her triumphs, and these are the things she is most likely to show only to her twin, Jaime. You can likely relate to the Queen's dual nature, and her ability to compartmentalize parts of yourself based on the people you are with.

4. Cancer: Sam Tarly

Gentle, patient, and always happiest at home — you and Sam would get along nicely. Jon Snow's bestie is a classic crab: loyal and always underestimating his own abilities. Cancers can be their own worst enemies, but the deep empathy people like you and Sam exhibit make the world a better place.

5. Leo: Daenerys Targaryen

Sorry Lannisters, but Daenerys is a true lion. The regal Khaleesi inspires devotion in almost everyone she meets, and she is willing to challenge anyone who stands in the way of her pursuit of power. Likewise, you both love to add a dash of theatrics to everything you do, and if someones hurts you, forgiveness doesn't come easily.

6. Virgo: Sansa Stark

Virgos like to have clear paths in mind for their futures. Like Sansa, you dream of leading a practical, happy life, but when things don't go as planned, you can rise above. Sansa's rich inner life and quick-thinking have helped her survive true horrors. Just like most Virgos, she can be judgmental and hard on herself as well as others, but deep down she cares deeply about her family and keeping others safe.

7. Libra: Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is fair, analytical, and loves being around people who can keep up with his wit. He's the quintessential Libra, right down to his hatred of being alone. That's why Tyrion only reaches his full potential when he is working with others, like Daenerys, to achieve a common goal. Like Tyrion, your greatest weakness may be self-pity, but when you are at the top of your game, no one is wiser or more open-minded than you.

8. Scorpio: Brienne Of Tarth

Brienne values honesty and bravery above all else. Outwardly, she is a warrior to her core, but she also feels things deeply. If you are a Scorpio, then you likely feel just as strongly about being a loyal and true friend as Brienne does. Once you devote yourself to someone, you're all in. However, if that person makes the mistake of breaking your trust, it's all over.

9. Sagittarius: Arya Stark

Do you have zero filter? Then you're probably a Sagittarius. Much like Arya, you say exactly what is on your mind, and have no interest in playing by anyone else's rules. The youngest Stark daughter has no time for conformity, and though she loves her family, she also values her freedom. Arya's wanderlust is just another sign that she's a Sagittarius at heart.

10. Capricorn: Jon Snow

The serious-minded Jon is a hard worker, who made his way to the top of the Night's Watch through skill and determination. Capricorns aren't known for being the life of the party, but they are the people you want on your side when times are rough. Jon's sense of honor makes him a strong leader, but he also has a stubborn streak that can get him into trouble.

11. Aquarius: Ned Stark

People often mistake the quiet demeanor of an Aquarius for coldness. However, Ned Stark loved his family ferociously, and he was a devoted husband, father, and friend. He simply had firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong. To those closest to him, Ned was a strong, but gentle soul. Just like his fellow Aquariuses, he possessed an inability to compromise his values, no matter the cost.

12. Pisces: Podrick Payne

No one is more lovable than Podrick. His innocence, willingness to help, and selflessness make him beloved by all who meet him. If you're a Pisces, chances are you too possess similar traits — just be wary of those who might take advantage of your giving nature.

Now go forth and tell your friends which Game of Thrones character is your Zodiac twin.