
Here's What To Do If You Don't See Instagram's New "You're All Caught Up" Feature Yet
by Kaitlyn Wylde

On Monday, Instagram announced that they're dropping a new update on us that includes a feature called "You're All Caught Up." It's a FOMO-sufferers' dream; a notification that lets you know when you've seen all of the posts that have been shared on your feed in the last 48 hours. It literally doesn't let you miss a thing. But if all of your friends are using the feature and you're not, you're probably wondering why you can't see Instagram's "You're All Caught Up" message — which, with its absence, is probably giving you double FOMO.

The new feature comes in the form of a message; once you'e reached the end of the posts that you haven't seen, Instagram will let you know. All of the posts that appear after the message, are posts that you've already seen, and posts that are more than two days old. Not having this update makes for a really meta, FOMO squared experience. That said, fret not, the update is en route, if not lost in translation.

Instagram typically rolls out their updates slowly to minimize app overload and technical difficulties. So the combination of the company's trickle-down release and a mix of various obstacles on your end that might be getting in the way of the update, makes it unlikely that you had access to the feature the moment it was released. That said, if it seems like everyone around you is taking full advantage of the feature, there are a few things you can do to potentially expedite the process of getting there, too. Here are some update methods you can try:

Check For Updates

If you don't automatically receive updates, you'll have to head to the App Store to check Instagram for available updates, manually. Just tap on the "Updates" tab and if the update is available for your device, you'll see Instagram on the list. Just click the blue "Update" button next to the app and wait for the it to refresh. Even if you are signed up for auto updates, you should always head to the App Store to look for available updates, just incase. It's good to keep all of your apps up to date, it helps your phone stay fast and bug free.

Log Onto WiFi

If you've been using your phone on only a cellular service, the update might be delayed. The best way to stay connected to fresh updates is to log onto a secure and strong WiFi source.

Log In & Out Of The App

Sometimes, if the app isn't loading properly, logging in and out of your account can help it to reload efficiently. Instead of force quitting the app, make sure that you tap the Settings wheel and scroll all the way down to "Log out of account." Just make sure that you remember your password before you log out!

Delete & Reinstall The App

If you're still not seeing the "You're All Caught Up" feature, you might be having an issue with the actual app. You can force delete the app from your phone and reinstall it. This will allow it to fully reboot and work out any bugs that might have been getting in the way of your update coming through.

Find Patience

If you've tried all of the above and still don't have access to the new feature, you're just going to have to wait it out. The above methods would do the trick if you were not receiving the update due to some service or connectivity issue. So if you still don't have the feature, it's simply because it hasn't made its way to your phone yet. Just try to find some patience, likely you'll get it in the next few days. Getting an update late is not a curse, it's technically a good thing because it means it's already been vetted and adjusted for peak performance by the time it makes its way to your phone. You're getting the final draft!