
Levi's Is Breaking Into The Resale Market

Calling all vintage denim lovers.

Hailey Bieber Levi's Secondhand Vintage Jeans

One of the best parts of secondhand shopping is the thrill of the hunt. There’s nothing quite like scouring the aisles at a thrift store, endlessly rummaging through racks, to at last stumble upon an unexpected piece of treasure. For many dedicated thrifters, vintage denim is at the top of their shopping list.

And now, Levi’s is making it even easier for you to find that pair of perfectly worn-in jeans with the launch of Levi’s SecondHand, a buy-back program where you can shop secondhand jeans and jackets online.

Customers can also turn in their worn jeans and jackets in Levi’s stores for a gift card toward a future purchase (if your Levi’s denim is too worn out, you’ll still receive $5 toward a future purchase).

All Levi’s SecondHand items will be available on the SecondHand marketplace at various price points, ranging from roughly $30 to $100.

“Repurposing and repairing clothes requires minimal additional energy input, no water, and no dyes to make more jeans,” said Jennifer Sey, Levi’s chief marketing officer. “Buying a used pair of Levi’s through SecondHand saves approximately 80% of the CO2 emissions and 700 grams of waste compared to buying a new pair of Levi’s.”

Partners include Hailey Bieber (shown above), Jaden Smith, June Ambrose, Rachael Wang, and Sustainable Brooklyn's Dominique Drakeford & Whitney R. McGuire (below).

Whitney R. McGuire for Levi'sRachael Wang

As sustainability continues to be a key issue in the fashion world — and more brands rethink ways to recycle textiles responsibly — initiatives like this one will play an even bigger role in reshaping business practices across the industry.

Will other legacy brands follow Levi’s lead and enter the resale market? Only time will tell.