Could A 2016 Trump/Palin Ticket Become Reality?
Even though he's leading in the polls, it's way too early for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to be talking about running mates just yet. But one possible option has suddenly emerged if Trump has to choose a VP: Sarah Palin, conservative darling and former governor of Alaska. Could this match made in political heaven (or hell, depending on your point of view) — two of the loudest mouths on the political stage — really become a thing?
Trump said on a radio program called The Palin Update, which airs on an all-Palin radio station (who knew?) that he would "love" to have Palin, who he called "a very special person," in a Trump administration, CNN reported. The two have a lot in common, Trump said, because they're both used to being unpopular.
Like me, she's got people that don't exactly love us and we understand who they are and sort of forget about that. But she has a tremendously loyal group of people out there for her.
Palin has been the vice-presidential nominee before, as most of us remember: She was on the ticket with John McCain when he ran against Barack Obama in 2008. And back in February, on Saturday Night Live's 40th anniversary show, Palin joked about being on the ticket with Trump.
"Hypothetically, then, what if I were to choose Donald Trump as my running mate?" Palin asked Jerry Seinfeld in a mock Q&A session, in an attempt to see how much it would be worth to SNL's head honcho Lorne Michaels.
And more recently, Trump's comments about Palin's former running mate got him in hot water when he said McCain wasn't a war hero "because he was captured." But that didn't faze Palin. She told CNN both Trump and McCain were "heroes."
Everywhere I go, hard-working patriotic Americans — not 'crazies' or 'wacko birds' — ask me to pass on to Mr. Trump encouragement to keep educating the masses about true ramifications of illegal immigration, and in general the real state of our union.
While a Trump/Palin ticket might be a comedy writer's dream — and think about the fun Jon Stewart would have with this — the odds are probably against it coming to fruition. Palin has limited political experience after all, and she hasn't held office since resigning as Alaska governor in 2009. And for all his bombast and deep pockets and poll numbers, Trump's campaign may not be built to go the distance. But then again, virtually no one expected Trump to even be in serious contention for the nomination, and here he is at the top of the crowded GOP pack.
The Donald didn't say in the radio interview what role Palin might play in a hypothetical Trump administration, so he may be thinking of another role for her besides vice president. It's sort of hard to imagine that Palin would accept a lesser role, having already been in the No. 2 spot once before. As with anything in this crazy race for the White House, a Trump/Palin ticket isn't out of the question. Yet.
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