
The 'BiP' Seas 2 Premiere Playlist Of Your Dreams

by Kristie Rohwedder

It sure feels great to be back in the warm arms of Paradise, doesn't it? Sunday night, Bachelor in Paradise returned to the boob tube and all was right with the world once again. The Bachelor spinoff/work of art kicked Season 2 off with a mystery ("What in the name of Chris Harrison is Ashley I.’s sister doing here?" I asked at least five times), the threat of a hurricane ("Someone better tell Jade and Tanner to get out of that river," I said at least once), a love quadrangle (“I bet this Jared/Ashley I./Tanner/Jade thing won't blow up in everyone's faces,” I said never), plenty of perspiration (myself included. Summer in L.A. without central A/C is a real treat!), and an exchanging of vows (if I ever have a wedding, I will do whatever it takes to get Chris Harrison to be the officiant). The season premiere truly moved me. So much so, I felt compelled to put together a playlist of songs that reminded me of Sunday night's episode. As one does.

*Throws on studio grade headphones* DJ YOPO is here, just spinning some hot tunes for your listening pleasure. This next block of jams goes out to the first episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 2:

“Sisters” from White Christmas

I’d like to dedicate this song to Ashley I. and Lauren I., for there were never such devoted sisters.

“Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffett

I’d like to dedicate this song to the margarita JJ ordered the second he rolled up to Paradise.

“I’m Disco and I Know It” by Disco the Parakeet

I’d like to dedicate this song to Ashley S.'s new winged pals.

“Dune Buggy” by the Presidents of the USA

I’d like to dedicate this song to the dune buggy that Jared and Ashley I. drove around in. Way to not topple over and hurl your passengers into a mud bog, dune buggy.

“I Wanna Be Your Alpha Male” by Steve Burns, aka Steve from Blue’s Clues

I’d like to dedicate this song to Mikey T., the self-proclaimed alpha male.

“I’m Back” by Ashley Tisdale

I’d like to dedicate this song to Clare, aka the reigning Queen of BiP.

“The Raccoon Song” by Nosh Tims

I’d like to dedicate this song to the shoutout to the Season 1 raccoon. Before Marcus and Lacy's wedding ceremony began, someone (I think it might’ve been Dan) joked that Chris Harrison was going to bring out Clare’s raccoon buddy. Sadly, that didn’t happen, but any shoutout to the Season 1 star warrants a song.

Image: ABC/Rick Rowell