More Young Women Are Turning Here For Porn

Tumblr is a great big world filled with all kinds of possibilities. People go on there to make friends with people of shared interests, build up their digital portfolios, and blog about things such as their hobbies and travel escapades. Tumblr is also becoming increasingly popular for porn. According to a recent report done by UK’s Telegraph, more and more young women are using Tumblr for porn. Not that it’s a bad thing, of course. Because, hey, whatever works, works.
While Tumblr is most commonly associated with the sharing of adorable cat and baby memes, it does have a hidden more “adult” side. In fact, a 2013 study found that adult content actually accounts for 11.4 percent of the site’s domain. According to the report written by Rebecca Reid, one user believes Tumblr porn is “having a moment” because it’s easy and easily available. As the user told Reid, “[It’s] quick, concise, all under one roof, and it’s strangely hypnotic to watch oral sex on loop in a GIF.” Many others responded that it was easy to use “one handed.”
Aside from being easily available, women go for Tumblr porn because there’s so much content out there. Besides, if you have your own Tumblr page, you can even make your own personal collection of favorite porn scenes without having to bookmark a bunch of sketchy named sites.
Reid found that some women actually like sharing their sexual fantasies with others. Some couples like to collect their favorite porn clips and share it with their partners so they know what each other likes. But according to Reid, “One of the sexiest and most popular elements to Tumblr’s back catalogue of porn is the amateur photography. Home shot pictures of couples, usually without their faces, enjoying real life sex.”
According to a 2014 study, as far as Tumblr use is concerned, women dominate men 54 percent to 46 percent. Tumblr is very female-friendly, which seems to be one of the reasons why women choose to get porn on the site. The female-friendly porn they have to carefully search for in typical porn sites, are easily available to them on a platform hat they already use on a regular basis. All in all, it seems like a win-win for females everywhere.
Now that you know you can get your porn fix through the same way you get your Harry Potter memes, don’t be afraid to check it out. In the meantime, here are 10 things you may not have known about women and porn:
1. Plenty Of Women Watch Porn With Their Partners
If you maintain the pretty old school belief that watching porn means there’s something wrong with your relationship, think again. A 2014 study conducted by IFOP survey institute and adult webcam site, CAM4 found that 59 percent of women who watch porn, have done it while having sex with their partner. Furthermore, 54 percent of people have tried things they’ve seen in porn, and 66 percent would consider watching sexy vids with their partner if they were asked. Bottom line, it’s healthy, it’s normal, and could definitely give a boost to your sex life.
2. Women Are Totally OK With Their Partners Watching Porn
Again, just because you find a bunch of porn sites in your partner’s web browser history, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with your sex life. A fact of life is, men are men, and men like porn. That’s not going to change anytime soon, even after you begin your relationship. But as a 2014 Cosmopolitan survey found, women don’t necessarily need their partner’s porn habits to change. In fact, a majority 68.3 percent said, “I don’t care, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of us.” As for guys, 43 percent said they would stop watching porn if their partners asked them to.
3. Women Watch Porn To De-Stress
Feeling the burdens of being an ambitious, overeducated yet underemployed millennial woman? While exercise is known to help you out, after a long day of work, you’re just not about that exercising life. So, what should you do instead? Watch porn, of course! According to the Huffington Post, over 85 percent of women say they watch porn as a sort of “fantasy escape.” Additionally, 23 percent of them said it also helped them relieve stress.
4. Porn Stars Have Higher Self-Esteem
Because of society, people automatically assume that if a woman is in porn, she has absolutely no self-respect and probably suffers from one or two daddy issues. But, that’s simply not the case. In fact, according to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, porn stars were actually found to have higher self-esteem and feel a lot more body-positive than women who weren’t in the adult industry. In a study of 177 porn actresses it was also found that porn stars were more likely to identify themselves as being bisexual, they first had sex at an earlier age, were more concerned about getting STDs, and enjoyed sex more overall.
5. The Average Porn Star Isn't Blonde And Big-Boobed
When you think of the female porn star, what image automatically comes to mind? If you don’t have a list of current faves or aren’t a frequent watcher, you would probably assume it to be someone who is tan, blonde, and with large boobs. Because, of course. That’s what they all look like, right? Apparently, in a study of 10,000 actors in the Internet Adult Film Database, it was found that the average porn star is actually brunette. She’s from California. Her boobs are a relatively average 34B and she’s around 5’5. So everyone can stop assuming that the skinny, blonde using the right kind of push-up bra, wearing super high heels is a porn star. Because she’s not. Most likely not, anyway.
6. Women Love Lesbian Porn, Threesomes, And Squirting
I’m going to attribute these recent stats from Pornhub to a curiosity factor. In a study done by popular adult sites, Pornhub and Redtube, the top three most searched for porn by women were “lesbian,” “threesome,” and “squirt.” Rounding out the top five were “black” and “cartoon.”
7. Between This Time And Last Year, More Women Searched Celebrity Sex Tapes
According to the same Pornhub study, the search term “Real Celebrity Sex Tape” saw the most growth with 1028 percent rise in popularity. Then again, this statistic makes that much more sense because …
8. Kim Kardashian Is The Most Searched “Porn Star.”
Though I highly doubt this is one title she’ll proudly claim.
9. Women In The Philippines, Brazil, And India Watch The Most Porn Out Of Everyone
According to Pornhub, on average, 24 percent of its worldwide visitors are women. In the Philippines and Brazil, 35 percent of porn watchers are female, while in the US, 23 percent of the overall viewers are women.
10. Speaking Of The U.S., More Women Watch Porn In Mississippi
It was found that 26 percent of Mississippi’s porn watching population are women, followed by Georgia and South Carolina at both 25 percent. Those with the lowest percentages of female porn viewers come from Alaska, Vermont, and North Dakota, with 17 percent each.
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Images: Stokpic/Pexels; Giphy(11)