
The Most Overpaid Actors List Is Out

by Alanna Bennett

It's probably not a huge surprise for anyone who's been watching Adam Sandler's career for the past few years, but it's probably quite the bittersweet bummer for Sandler himself: Adam Sandler's been named the most overpaid actor on Forbes' list. Such an honor! The list was calculated based off of a return of investment for studios, taking in things like the movies' budgets, expenses, and actor pay. More on the parameters:

To compile our list we looked at the last three movies each actor starred in over the three years to June 1. Actors don’t make as many films as they used to so that first criteria eliminated a lot of folks right away. Drew Barrymore, who has appeared on our overpaid list in past years, was disqualified this year because she didn’t have enough films in our time frame.

Sandler earned his spot on the list by being paid, well, shit-tons of money for movies that don't actually end up making that much at the box office. This is films like Jack and Jill and That's My Boy , AKA the ones you've been avoiding like the plague.

Unfortunately for Sandler, this might be the end (or at least the endish) of that — Hollywood is a business after all, and when selling a movie on your face is no longer making the big-money returns the dudes in the fancy suits are looking for, that can translate to less of those movies with your face in them being made.

It's also crummy news for the likes of Katherine Heigl, who is on this list, and rather predictably considering what her career's being doing these past few years.

It's even crummier news for Reese Witherspoon, who takes up the third slot on the list. Maybe she and Sandler can make a movie with Katherine Heigl? At the very least someone in Middle America will see it, with at least a 30 percent chance of laughter.

Oh, how the romantic comedy mighty have fallen. It almost makes you question why we pay these people zillions of dollars int he first place.

Image: Columbia Pictures