'Gilmore Girls'-Style Plans For The End Of Summer

A lot of TV shows tend to set their timelines within the length of a school year, and Gilmore Girls is no exception. Let's be real, Connecticut small towns really look their best in fall, the trees decked out with multi-colored leaves, cardigan game strong. Still, any good Gilmore Girls fan knows that you can find some summer episodes at the end and beginning of each season, ones that capture every aspect of the lazy, hazy, crazy days of your vacation. And, if you're looking to get off your ass and squeeze in an end-of-summer adventure, who better to channel than Lorelai and Rory?
So I studied each episode hard (ahem), and hand-selected some of my favorite summertime Gilmore Girls adventures that you should embrace when you've run out of episodes to marathon watch. Granted, since most are season openers or finales, I would advise newbies to maybe steer clear. Yup, all three of you who haven't watched Gilmore Girls since it landed on Netflix last October, do not read on, although you can't really spoil someone on a show that ended eight years ago.
For everyone else, get ready to take on some last-minute summer adventures a la your favorite coffee-obsessed chatterboxes. Here's the summeriest (summeryest?) Gilmore Girl-inspired plans Stars Hollow has to offer.
1. Go Daisy Crazy
In "Sadie Sadie," Lorelai is mulling over Max Medina's proposal, and he rationally sends her 1,000 yellow daisies, blanketing the town with bouquets. I don't know if you have a proposal to mull over; I don't know your life. But I think it'd be a great pick-me-up to cover your apartment with bunches of daisies. Head down to your nearest florist or do it the budget friendly (highly recommended by moi) way by ruthlessly bogarting plants from your nearest park.
2. Impromptu Road Trip To A Fancy-Schmancy College
The whole Max Medina wedding never comes to fruition, which prompts Lorelai into embarking on a panic-induced road trip. Where to? Harvard, of course! And, even though you may be several years out of college, why not drive down to your nearest Ivy League school? I never get tired of taking my friends to Princeton, partially because of its beautiful campus, and partially because the school is across from a brewery and record shop.
3. Check Out An End-Of-Summer Madness Festival... Or Whatever Your Local Equivalent Is
I don't know if your hometown has community events tri-weekly, but, with Labor Day on the horizon, there's bound to be some sort or carnival in the area. Google it up, and make sure that, when you go, you blast "Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer" ad nauseam.
4. Smush In All Your Last Minute Activities Into Three Days
When the Gilmores realized that they had to leave for Rory's Yale orientation, there is a rushed panic in Stars Hollow, a fear that they'll never be able to fit in the last of their summer plans. Never say never! Really commit and fit in that trip to Six Flags, that stroll down the board walk, and all the fried oreos you'd ever want into a three day span. Don't forget to unintentionally become the ice cream queen.
5. Go On A Euro-Trip With Your Fabulous Rich Grandma
I'm actually not sure if you have the means to do this, but if your grandmother is of sound mind and has enough of a wallet to just hang, go for it!
6. Steal A Yacht, Pick Up Trash From The Highway, Adopt A Dog?
Um, as nice as volunteering is, I'm not sure if you want to pull a Rory and spend the rest of your summer doing mandatory community service. But, hey, maybe this is the time to adopt that labradoodle you've always wanted!
Either way, soak up the rest of the summer, because before you know it, you'll be shivering in your apartment and thanking the gods who invented fuzzy slipper socks for keeping you warm.
Images: Warner Bros. Television (7)