What Your Favorite Book Genre Says About You

Take a look at your bookshelf, and you'll probably have no problem determining your favorite genre. The rows of multiple Harry Potter books (all different editions, of course) and the collection of A Song Of Ice and Fire probably means you're a big fan of fantasy. Or, when you visit your local bookstore, do you find yourself roaming toward the sci-fi section? Perhaps you drift toward the middle where the literary classics are. Wherever you find yourself, take pride: Your favorite genre is awesome, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
The book genre you love most definitely says a lot about who you are as a person. Books can shape you, so it's only natural that you learned from the characters within, whether they were fairies, aliens, or your average human. So, grab your favorite books, figure out your favorite kind of novels and shorts, and get ready to find out what it means for you. Better than your zodiac sign, your most loved book genre will reveal your truest self:
You have and will reread just about every classic there is. Jane Austen and Sylvia Plath, Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck — this is the crew that will always be your favorite writers. You were the kid in high school who actually read all of the mandatory books and enjoyed them. You prefer getting to know one person deeply, rather than knowing a couple people on the surface. You tend to cherish the simplicities in everyday life more than anything else.
You prefer to read about huge and complex worlds where your imagination can roam as it pleases. Ever since you were a child, you've been more interested in mythology than anything else. You're a daydreamer, and often zone out while at school or work thinking of the next great adventure you'll go on. When it comes to your friends, you've got some of the best, and you'll never treat them wrong because you know how valuable true friendship is after reading The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.
Historical Fiction
You love fiction — but you also love fact. You like knowing what's going to happen, and aren't a big fan of surprises. You have a very detailed planner on you at all times, but every so often aren't afraid to indulge in a few spontaneous activities. You have a shape eye for detail and are sometimes (more like all the time) called a perfectionist in your work. You're a people-watcher, and enjoy listening to your friends and family tell you stories of their past.
Like Stephen King, you believe everyone should read more horror books. You aren't scared easily, and the feeling of adrenaline rising in you is almost addicting. You're the risk-taker in your friend group, and when you go to an amusement park, you're the first one in line for the wildest rides. You're one heck of a storyteller, and your friends know that when you pull out the flashlight at a bonfire, they're in for a story that'll haunt them for the rest of the week.
Literary Fiction
You prefer reading about common life problems and troubles that are relatable to just about everyone. You love to learn about people, and the ones you don't, you find yourself making up their life stories as you pass by them on the streets or on your morning commute. You're a deep thinker, and when it comes to problem solving, you're probably a pro. You like to look at your life as if it were a movie and are always wondering when the next complicated situation will unfold.
After reading Gone Girl , you couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks. You're exceptionally talented at picking up on foreshadowing and clues, so your friends tend to stay away from you when Game of Thrones is on to avoid spoilers. You look at life as a mystery itself, and are always searching for the bigger meaning in things. You're a little quieter than the rest, but that's only because you genuinely enjoy being a mystery yourself.
You always have the newest memoir or autobiography in-hand before anyone else does. You're a great listener and enjoy getting to know someone by their odd quirks and anecdotes. You are often looking for new ways to improve yourself and the lives around you. You love making big gestures because you desire to live a great life worth telling someday.
For you, no book is a great book without a powerful love story included. Your tastes range from Gone with the Wind to Fifty Shades of Gray, and everything in between. You're a passionate person at heart, and always go the extra mile to satisfy someone you love. You always manage to keep a positive outlook on life, even if you've hit rock bottom. You have high expectations when you go on dates, but you're also pretty talented at wooing just about anyone that glances in your direction.
Science Fiction
You love reading about intergalactic adventures and futuristic events that could one day happen. When you were a kid, you didn't always fit in because you were thinking about new worlds and characters bigger than the boring middle school you were stuck in. You often have really great ideas but are sometimes afraid to speak up. With your smart wits, you and everyone around you knows you'd be the one to live through any apocalyptic event.
Young Adult
You're often found in the YA section of Barnes & Noble, scanning for new releases and recommendations. You’re young at heart, and that only makes you more curious and willing to learn new things in life. You're in tune with your emotions, and are almost always the one your friends go to when they need solid advice. More than anything, you're independent and take pride in both your successes and failures. You know it's all part of the process.
Images: Paul Falardeau/flickr; Giphy (11)