How To Prevent Blisters When You Wear Flats

Darling new flats mean great fall outfits — but also potential pain as you break them in. You need to know how to prevent blisters in flats so you can run around this autumn without tearing your feet to shreds. I mean, that's the point right, to have cute shoes and be able to wear them, too? There's nothing worse than being ripped apart by a fabulous pair of flats and having to stare at them longingly, yet angrily as they sit inside your closet's shoe rack. Nothing, I tell ya.
It's not like we all haven't been there before. Adorable flats were found at a ridiculously low price. They had to be bought. Maybe in multiple colors. But we failed to break them in properly, and blisters appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Our sweet shoes were then cruelly locked in the back of the closet, never to be seen again. Tale as old as time. But with just a few easy preventative measures, we can avoid the pitfalls of painful blisters and live in peaceful harmony with our shoes. And honestly, we have to learn—because cute flats are an important part of a woman's life.
Read on for how to have a blister-free fall full of fabulous flat-heeled shoes.
Prevention Is Key...
OK, I know you're a smart cookie, and of course you know that prevention is key. You eat apples. But sometimes you get so excited about new flats that you forget they need some breaking in. Here's what you need to do to make sure that doesn't happen.
1. Shop With Swollen Feet
I know. It sounds sexy. Shoe shop after you have been on your feet for a few hours so you know how flats will actually fit after being out and about.
2. Test Drive Them
Wear flats around the house for at least an hour before you debut them in real life. Anywhere you develop tender spots, pad the interior of the shoe with moleskin to protect skin from friction or further irritation.
3. Mind Your Heels
Shoe expert Meghan Cleary, reported for Fox News Magazine that companies reinforce heels for durability. This is good for the length of your shoe life, but bad for the delicate skin on your heels. She recommends padding the heels in all shoes to avoid blisters.
4. Apply Lubricants
To further prevent blisters, apply lubricants in any places you feel friction between your feet and your shoes. There are a variety of specially made lubricants to prevent foot chafing on the market. While Meghan Cleary suggested a more tried and true product that might already be in your nightstand: K-Y lubricant. The formula is made to last and shouldn't stain shoes like vaseline might (although always do a spot check first)!
Once The Damage Is Done...
If you have already jumped the gun and worn your cute new flats without a break-in period, you're probably feeling some pain on your heels or the sides of your feet. Never fear! This doesn't mean your relationship with your shoes is over. It just needs to go to some couples counseling.
1. Try Not To Pop The Blister
That little sucker is actually a protective barrier to keep the raw skin underneath from getting infected. If you are able, cut a hole in a square piece of moleskin to fit around your blister. This will act as a cushion to keep the tender skin around the blister from becoming more irritated while it also protects the blister from popping.
2. But If The Blister Pops...
It's OK. It may hurt pretty bad, but as long as you keep it clean from bacteria you just need to let it heal. Heads up that if you have an autoimmune disease, diabetes, or another chronic illness, check with your doctor if things seem out of whack. Keep the flap of skin on. I know you want to clip it off with nail scissors. Please don't. This is your natural defender against infection. Keep the area clean, apply an antibiotic cream, and slap a bandaid on that baby. Maybe wear flip flops for a few days.
So go on and get ready for fall shoes and those foxy new flats you've been waiting to wear. You're ready for the best (prevention!) and worst (ugh! blisters!) case scenarios. All you need now is the shoes.
Image: Kaboompics/Pixabay