No matter where in the world we call home, we humans can unanimously agree on one thing — ice cream is bomb. But while I may prefer to eat my ice cream in milkshake form topped with Nutella-stuffed doughnuts (this is a real thing, and I need you to respect it), you might be more of a simple cone person yourself, depending on where you're from. A new infographic by The Travel Republic Blog reveals what ice cream looks like in different countries, and let's just say if you're not so into fish-flavored dairy products, you might want to avoid any ice cream trucks you come across the next time you're in Japan.
I wasn't kidding about that, by the way. According to the infographic, saury, a potent saltwater fish that apparently pairs well with brandy, is a popular soft-serve flavor in the island nation. Among some of the other wonderfully wacky flavors you can find around the globe? Ice cream connoisseurs have been known to serve up fluorescent, glow-in-the-dark scoops of liquid nitrogen ice cream in Australia, while cheese-filled ice cream is popular in the Philippines. (Side note: I have never actually tried cheese-filled ice cream, but I am definitely obsessed with this whole concept — someone please tell me where I can find some in the U.S. immediately.)
And you thought you were going ice cream-wild ordering up a heaping scoop of peanut butter moose tracks instead of your go-to butter pecan. But the craziness doesn't stop there — here are five facts about ice cream you probably had no idea were true.
1. Ice Cream May Have Come From China
According to The Travel Republic Blog, it was most likely the Chinese who invented ice cream, way back in 200 B.C. You can thank Marco Polo for bringing it to Europe.
2. Norway holds the record for making the tallest ice cream cone of all time
It measured in at more than 10 feet, and holds the Guinness World Record for being the tallest cone in the world. It also just so happened to be strawberry-flavored.
3. Some people make ice cream out of crocodile eggs
An ice cream parlor in Davo City, Philippines first debuted the bizarre-sounding ice cream, which uses crocodile eggs instead of regular eggs in its recipe.
4. Ice cream can glow in the dark
Head to Australia to try liquid nitrogen ice cream, which comes in three different neon colors.
5. The biggest ice cream store in the world carried 860 flavors
Famous Venezuelan ice cream shop Heladería Coromoto held the Guinness World Record for having the most flavors. This sounds like both my biggest dream and my biggest nightmare, to be honest — with all those options, how do you choose?
For more fun facts and weird flavors, check out The Travel Republic Blog's infographic below.

Looking for more great food ideas? Check out Bustle on YouTube!
Images: Pexels; Giphy (2)