Will Austin Get Back With His GF After 'BB17'?

When this season of Big Brother started, one of the first things the fans wanted to know is which BB17 house guests were single and which were in relationships back home. It may be too far back for you to recall, but in the beginning when Jace and Austin were all about being bros, Jace made a comment about "how hot Liz is" and Austin immediately shut down that idea with a response about his devotion to his girlfriend outside the house. Well, that commitment faded pretty quickly. Austin began to pine for Liz and then recently the two of them became official BF and GF, even though Austin originally said he had a girlfriend back home. So, given all that, will Austin and his girlfriend get back together after Big Brother ends?
I cannot believe that I'm actually asking this question, but they are technically still dating as far as I know, so it's not so far fetched to wonder about. Nevertheless, she should definitely not date Austin after his humiliating appearance on Big Brother. And, why would she want to? Austin has done way too much damage at this point.
1. He Made It Known That He Had A Girlfriend
Austin was very open about having a girlfriend when he first entered the BB house. This put the spotlight on him as a taken man and made his actions seem extremely duplicitous. She was probably so excited and proud of him in the beginning, and now it's just so sad.
2. He Pushed To Eliminate Jeff Because He Feared Competition For Liz
Why was Austin so protective of a girl who wasn't his girlfriend? Liz and Austin had zero physical contact at this point, so it's pretty crazy that he prioritized her affection so much this early in the game. This admitted jealousy is definitely not something I would want to watch if I were his girl.
3. He Prioritized Liz And Her Sister In The Game
Austin went through the game making sure another woman and this woman's sister were safe the entire time. Not only is Austin hooking up with another girl, but he is also looking out for her family member. Wow.
4. He Kissed Liz On Television
No one wants to see Their boyfriend make out with another girl on television or all over the internet. Let's hope she has stopped watching Big Brother at this point.
5. He Sleeps In The Same Bed As Liz
Austin and Liz spend so much time together in between hooking up and strategizing about the game. They sleep together every night. This is just not something anyone wants to see her "boyfriend" doing. Very intimate and very tough to watch, I'm sure.
6. He Openly Betrayed His GF
Austin played up his betrayal of her to be some sort of romantic gesture toward Liz. I doubt his GF is looking at it that way. This dude needs some tact.
7. He Asked Liz To Be His Girlfriend
Austin moved on to another relationship while he was technically still with his girlfriend. There's no way she'd want to date him after that, I'm sure.
8. He And Liz Say "I Love You"
This has got to be the worst thing of all. It can be easy to brush off an ex(?) getting with another girl, but loving another girl can be way too much to take. The fact that Austin can say this to another girl so quickly shows that he is extremely flaky and not someone his previous girlfriend needs to be with.
All of these things that Austin has done are reason enough for her to just say no if he ever comes back to her. The worst part about it all is that he was in front of reality TV cameras the entire time. People have watched it all go down live, and it will be on the internet forever. This just seems like way too much for any couple to ever come back from.
For more on this season, check out Bustle's Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room on Bustle's Soundcloud page, and make sure to subscribe to The Diary Room on iTunes.
Image: CBS