It's an end of an era on Big Brother, as the only "twist" of the season — if you can call it that, since people figured it out in about a week — has finally been dissolved. Yes, Julia was evicted from Big Brother 17 , leaving her twin Liz to fight for them both. Sister act is no more, and now that Julia is gone, Liz only has her bae (Austin) left in the game to really protect her from the rest of the house (Steve, Vanessa, and Johnny Mac).
The week started out optimistically, with Liz and Austin both on the block, by the hand of Steve. Steve's main target was Judas himself, but Austin managed to literally crawl his way to the Veto, spoiling any plans to evict him on Thursday. After his Veto win, what can only be described as a Austin's worst nightmare ensued. Liz became furious with Austin for winning and gloating about it. There was a moment where it seemed like Liztin was once again, Liz and Austin, but that only lasted for a day.
Unfortunately, Julia became the casualty of all of this fallout. Steve's original plan was to break-up the Austwins, and while he succeeded, Julia was probably the last person he hoped to get out of the house. Julia offered herself up — a la Katniss — and said she would leave to allow her sister to go and win the money. Liz is a bigger threat to win the game and competitions, so she'll probably have a more challenging time staying off the block, but if she got to the final two, she'd have more credible reasons to win.
While Julia's eviction might seem like a bad thing for Liz, it's actually a blessing in disguise for the remaining twin. If Julia and Liz made it to the final two, one of them would win — fact. But, with Liz still in the game, if Liz makes it to the final two, Julia is a sure vote for her. This is good for Liz and bad for Liz, as it could mean that other houseguests might not want to bring her to the final two knowing that she has at least Julia's vote (and hopefully Austin's, assuming he doesn't make it to the finale).
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Image: CBS