'RHOC' Needs More Lizzie Rovsek

I feel bad for Lizzie Rovsek. I mean, I feel bad as much as it is possible to for a wealthy, former beauty queen who got booted from a successful reality television show. The thing is, I feel like occasional Real Housewives of Orange County cast member Lizzie Rovsek is more interesting than we, the fans, originally thought. Would I say that she should definitely return to being a full-time cast member on Real Housewives of Orange County? Well, I'm not quite there yet, but I feel like she's been given a bad wrap and makes for a much more interesting character than I originally thought.
Lizzie was demoted from series regular status after just one season on the Bravo show, and during Season 10 we've just see her occasionally as a "Friend of the Housewives." Maybe it's because the pressure is off this time around or she's just being edited in a different way, but I care a lot more about Lizzie than I did before. Her side comments are actually pretty entertaining.
After looking into more about her life, I see that there is plenty to be interested in when it comes to Lizzie Rovsek.
1. She Dated Nick Lachey
I will never get over this one. What if Lizzie and Nick Lachey stayed together and had a Newlyweds: Part Two thing happening? I would just love to hear all about this relationship she dated Lachey both before and after he was married to Jessica Simpson. This would have been a great topic for Lizzie to open up about on RHOC.
2. She Reportedly Has A $25 Million Net Worth
If Lizzie has this much money to her name, she must have a lot going for her. (And, truthfully, it is just fascinating to watch wealthy people living their lives on television.)
3. She Has Adorable Kids
Lizzie's kids look exactly like her. They even have those gorgeous plump limps. These cuties would be adorable to watch onscreen.
4. She Goes All Out
I will always appreciate people who get into themes. Lizzie is the kind of person who wants to have fun in every occasion possible, and this is the kind of lady we need to see more of on Real Housewives.
5. She Is Intelligent
She is very intelligent. In fact, she was the valedictorian of her high school class.
6. She Has Interns
Sonja Morgan cracks me up on Real Housewives of New York City with her interns, so maybe Lizzie and her interns can make for some TV gold on the west coast.
I feel like Lizzie has been under utilized on RHOC and deserves a second chance in the spotlight with some better editing. She is intelligent, fun, and beautiful — everything that we want our Real Housewives to be.
Image: lizzierovsek /Instagram