Meet Taylor Cuqua From 'Dash Dolls'

As many avid E! Entertainment watchers know, DASH Dolls premieres Sunday , Sept. 20, as part of the Kardashian franchise. The Kardashian sisters opened the DASH boutique in 2006, and this reality spinoff will showcase the lives of the women who work there — aka the Dash Dolls. But, who are these Dolls? It's time to get to know Dash Dolls star Taylor Cuqua before the premiere.
Cuqua is a model, party girl, and Dash Doll who works at the Los Angeles boutique as part of sales support. And, apparently she lives in a house full of fellow Dolls. Which begs the question, do these women actually work in the boutique. Or is this just a reality TV trope? Here’s what a statement from E! had to say about the show and its cast:
Now viewers will have the opportunity to follow the lives of the Kardashian sisters’ young, fun and hot employees as they navigate the hectic life of a twenty-something in Hollywood while representing the Kardashian brand. This new generation of boutique girls takes on the glamorous lifestyle that comes with managing one of today’s most recognizable franchises, owned by three famous and often demanding bosses, while juggling romances, parties, family drama and other career aspirations. The new eight episode, one-hour series features Khloé Kardashian’s best friend Malika Haqq and her twin sister, Khadijah Haqq.
However the Dash Dolls are employed with the Kardashians, I’m sure we can expect the same antics and fun that we see on the rest of Kardashians’ series. So, without further ado, let’s get to know Dash Doll Taylor Cuqua! Here are six things I learned from her social media accounts.
1. She Can Pull Off Cat Ears
Which is not as easy as she makes it look.
2. She Hangs Out With Other DASH Dolls
Living together, working together, and hanging out together? This seems like a solid recipe for reality TV drama and success.
3. She’s Digs Dub Smash
No, I mean she really digs Dub Smash…
4. She’s Into In-N-Out Burger
Seriously, this picture is making me hungry.
5. She Marathons TV Shows
Narcos is a solid choice, too.
6. She Looks Up To Her Boss
Hopefully, she can get some Kardashian mentoring on the show!
Image: E!