Stay Warm During Your Winter Run In These Threads

Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to either sacrifice your favorite outdoor exercise or freeze your ass while doing it. There's a plethora of warm workout clothes for winter to keep you warm and toasty no matter what activity you're getting up to. Specifically designed to combat the cold without being bulky, warm workout gear will officially give you no excuse to skip your workout.
I definitely learned the importance of investing in proper workout wear for winter the hard way. I hate to be a stereotype, but Los Angeles had spoiled me with its temperate weather all year round and moving to New York was a rude awakening. To say the least, I wasn't prepared at all for 11 degree weather, thinking two hoodies would do the trick for six mile runs. Ha. By twenty minutes in, my phone was too cold to stay on and powered down, I couldn't feel my fingers, and feet were freezing and wet.
Apparently my East coast-savvy roommates had heard enough of my complaining, because they started letting me borrow their winter workout clothes. Since none of it looked bulky I figured the pieces wouldn't actually keep me warm, but holy freaking heck — I was wrong! Not having to thaw out my fingers or toes after a run was mind-blowing, and my chest never felt tight from the cold once.
I know the pieces below cost a bit more than standard workout wear, but are well worth the investment for winter. Don't be the annoying, shivering roommate I was last year!
1. FITS SKI Socks
These suckers saved my life and are slim enough to slip into your tennis shoes without a problem. (Ski Sock, $25.99, FITS)
2. SmartWool Gloves
Smartphone friendly and crazy warm, these gloves are a winner. (SmartWool Gloves, $24, REI)
3. Werewolf Jacket
Sometimes UnderArmour just can't be beat and this cozy black jacket is no exception. (Werewolf Jacket, $184.99, UnderArmour)
4. Balaclava
I may have looked like a robber when I wore this, but I don't even care. #Balaclava4Lyfe (Balaclava, $35, Manzella)
5. Leggings
For the price, these are by far the best cold weather running leggings I've found! (Warm Tight, $47.99, NorthFace)
6. Wool Long Sleeve Running Shirt
Tight knit wool is like running in a blanket, but has moisture wicking so you don't get all sweaty (Long Sleeve, $70.99, Nike)
7. Covert Beanie
This little lime-colored sucker stays on your head and keeps your ears nice and toasty. (Covert Beanie, $11.99, Moosejaw)
Image: @oliviamuenter/Instagram