11 Female Celebs Speak About Supporting Hillary
Hillary Clinton shared a second video Sunday in preparation for the official release of her interview with Lena Dunham on Tuesday. The video shows both Lena Dunham and actress Amy Schumer having an awkward moment in Clinton's campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, according to a Facebook status posted by Clinton. Dunham and Schumer aren't the only celebrities that have rallied around Clinton recently. Quotes from female celebrities about Clinton show that many famous women admire Clinton for reasons ranging from feminism and gender equality to her support for the Affordable Care Act.
A large number of celebrities have come out in support of Clinton, including Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Carole King, Clay Aiken, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Ne-Yo, among others, according to the Independent Journal. Not many celebs have given detailed reasons for why they support Clinton for president, but those who have spoken out have specified gender equality and Clinton's experience as secretary of state as some of the reasons that they will vote for her. A long list of female celebrities, specifically, came out in support of Clinton not long after she announced her candidacy, and quotes from some of these supporters show that they are in it for the long haul.
Lena Dunham
After Dunham voiced support for Clinton, Twitter users accused her of favoring Clinton simply because Clinton is a woman, according to People. But Dunham didn't let these claims fly for long. She uploaded a sassy photo to Instagram of Lil' Kim with this response:
Hey, just a head's up: accusing women of supporting Hillary just because she's female is misogynistic BS — women are smart enough to make decisions based on a number of factors: policy, track record, campaign strategy. Yes I think it's time for a female president but I'm not part of a witch's cabal that senses ovaries and suddenly MUST VOTE. Plus if I was gonna vote for someone just because she was female it would be this chick, written in on all my ballots always. So go ahead, argue your political POV but don't insult a woman's intelligence by acting as though she votes exclusively along vaginal party lines.
Amy Schumer
In an interview with GQ, Schumer described the first time she met Clinton, whom she has "always been a fan" of:
A couple of months ago, [at the] Glamour Women of the Year [event], but I've always been a fan. It was very cool. She was a good audience member — she commented on a couple of the jokes I told. I said that in L.A. my arms register as legs, and she really liked that. She was, "I can relate." And one of the acts that had gone up before me did some stuff that was very disrespectful to her, and I definitely didn't think it was funny, and I said to her, like, "What the fuck was that?" She just goes, "Par for the course. ... I'm so used to it."
Uzo Aduba
Aduba was recently featured in a campaign video for Clinton encouraging women to join the movement. She's been supporting the candidate for a while, as she said before the start of Emily's List's 30th Anniversary gala in March:
There's only one name I'm really interested in hearing tonight. It starts with an "H" and ends with a "Clinton."
Olivia Wilde
Olivia Wilde gave a detailed description of just what she expects to see from Clinton during her campaign in an interview with the Daily Beast. Wilde said that she thinks Clinton has learned a lot since the 2008 election, and that Clinton's support for the "plight of women and girls as the most important issue of the 21st century" is why Wilde is supporting her. Then, The Daily Beast asked Wilde what she hopes to see Clinton accomplish:
Wow, I mean, there's so much work to be done in so many sectors of our society, but I think it's really important to protect our new health care law and I think Hillary would be focused on that. I think the equal rights of women in this country is something that's still not a law and she would absolutely be focused on that. Our justice system is a mess and she's aware of that. I think where she'll face difficulty is with Wall Street. ... [Her supporters] expect Wall Street reform and I think it's really positive that people like Elizabeth Warren are voicing the concerns of people demanding Wall Street reform. ... My dream is that Warren would be [Hillary's] V.P. but that's not happening in a million years. (Laughs.) My ideal society!
America Ferrera
In the 2008 election, Ferrera and Amber Tamblyn became national co-chairs of Clinton's youth outreach program. This campaign season, Ferrera said she's still supporting Clinton in a tweet that read "I believed in her then, I believe in her now." According to People, the Ugly Betty star said in 2008:
This election is too important to stand on the sidelines, especially for my generation. I believe that Hillary Clinton can turn this country around. I am confident she will be a champion for young women and men across the country.
Blake Lively
In April, Stylist talked to Lively about how opportunities for women are expanding, and she used Clinton as an example of just how that's happening:
Look at what is happening with Hillary Clinton, it's something to be very proud of. It's so uplifting. But the fact that we have to be proud of this advancement is a bit upsetting. I think whatever side you stand on, the fact that there's never been a woman leading this country where there are women leading households and leading companies, is a bit upsetting. What makes people think a man is more equipped to do that than a woman? Nothing.
Lisa Marie Presley
Before Clinton announced that she was running for president, Presley told The Washington Post:
I'd love her to run for president. I'm a woman, for one thing. She's been around long enough. She knows the deal and knows the ropes.
Kerry Washington
Washington volunteered for Obama's re-election campaign, voicing her support for him at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The Scandal star told Entertainment Tonight that she was excited about Clinton's presidential announcement and looking forward to supporting her this go-around.
Yeah, I'm thrilled. I'm very thrilled. I'm excited for her, and I'm sure I'll be hitting the stump trail.
Julia Roberts
Roberts talked to Marie Claire in a 2013 interview, where she talked about her personal philanthropy as well as how she feels about Clinton.
I had interviewed Hillary Clinton [for OWN], who has become a personal hero to me — who she is and her convictions as a woman and mother and a humanitarian.
Maggie Gyllenhaal
During the 6th annual DVF awards in New York City, Gyllenhaal shared an anecdote about how Clinton had a positive impact on her life and expressed her support for the presidential candidate.
I think it would be incredible to have a woman as president. You know, I think my children grew up with a black man as president and that's what they know as the President of the United States and I would love my children to have the same experience as a woman. ... I've felt very inspired in little small moments in my life by [Clinton].
Ashley Judd
On Larry King Now, Judd expressed very strong support for Clinton, talking about how she's actually overqualified and how Judd has attended the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting and has been so impressed by seeing Clinton speak. She said on the show that she would absolutely endorse Clinton.
Are there other qualified candidates? Absolutely. I think she might be the most overqualified candidate we've had since Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. I mean, obviously, I love Hillary Rodham Clinton. ... And so, seeing [Mrs. Clinton] talk about early childhood vulnerability and brain development — man, that woman is stout! She is stout. So yes, I will be all-in when the time comes