For all of you fellow emoji lovers out there, I've got some exciting news for you: Twitter has announced that you will now be able to use supersized Twitter emoji in direct messages, giving your private exchanges a huge, visual punch. The company made the announcement on Monday through (where else?) Twitter, saying, "Emojis are already a big deal in Direct Messages. We just made them bigger. Send super-sized emojis today!" Talk about literal big news!
With the world's growing emoji obsession showing no signs of slowing down, it's no wonder that Twitter has started to add a little more pizzazz to its emoji options. After all, we keep gaining so many ways to inject the little pictograms into our every day lives that the possibilities are practically endless: From Hillary Clinton's Hillmoji keyboard to literal keyboard emoji covers for desk and laptop computers, the power of emoji is yours for the taking. Emoji's power shouldn't be underestimated, as they're basically taking over our social media and texting lives.
So, getting back to Twitter's new supersized emoji feature: It's expected that the emoji will eventually look something like the giant emoji on Facebook messenger, which were initially rolled out during the summer of 2013. In order to introduce their new creation to the world, Twitter created an animated GIF to show exactly how they'll look when you send them in DMs now:
I don't know about you, but I love how large they are. The size really seems to drive home the emotion behind the emoji even more than the regular-sized versions do.
There are a few limitations, though: There are only five supersized emoji to choose from as of yet, and your emoji only grow to gargantuan proportions when you send them on their own without any text. Fingers crossed that yet is the keyword here in relation to selection; I'd love to see an entire collection of massive emoji. And as far as the "no text" rule? It's worth noting that Twitter disabled the 140 max character count for direct messages earlier this summer; in retrospect, I wonder whether the change was put into place to prepare for new features like the supersized emoji. Is this just the first of many changes and new additions to come?
Hopefully Twitter will expand the supersized emoji feature to reflect some of these seemingly obvious applications, but considering that they've only been available for one day, I guess we have to cut them a little bit of slack. Plus, who isn't excited for being able to send supersized emoji in direct messages? Although the way Twitter has enabled the feature might not be ideal for now, two days ago it didn't even exist. So let's celebrate the positive for now while we wait to see what Twitter's next emoji move is.
Image: Giphy