
Hallowiddleston Is Back & Better Than Ever

by Katherine Cusumano

Ladies and gents alike, take note: Between Crimson Peak, I Saw the Light, and a deleted scene in the new Avengers film, Tom Hiddleston has presented a wide, wide array of looks that could be easily adapted this Halloween. And everyone knows that Halloween isn't just one night — it's a whole weekend, and sometimes two weekends, depending on when October 31 actually falls. This gives you between two and five nights to try out Hiddleston's various faces (not in a creepy way). Bustle has already investigated how to adapt 2014 Tom Hiddleston for your Halloween needs, but where 2014 gave you an excuse to revamp your work wardrobe, a 2015 Tom Hiddleston Halloween costume is a bit more adventurous.

First, some background on his projects. I Saw the Light premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, and it's part of the end-of-year biopic dump in time for the Oscars — Hiddleston plays Hank Williams, the legendary country music singer. In the haunting gothic-horror film Crimson Peak , Hiddleston makes a drastic costume change, playing a charismatic, seductive, and mysterious Sir Thomas Sharpe, denizen of the haunted manor Allerdale Hall. And Avengers, well, you likely know the drill — he's Loki, Thor's jealous, antagonistic brother and the series troublemaker. Though Hiddleston didn't appear in the final cut of the new Marvel film, he was present in an earlier cut so his Loki uniform is still a timely and relevant costume this year. Here's how to be one of those choices for Halloween this year.

Hank Williams, I Saw The Light

The Look

Historical photographs of Hank Williams invariably show him in a wide-lapel jacket — maybe double-breasted — and an equally wide tie, cowboy hat perched atop his head and hands neatly folded over his guitar. Hiddleston channels precisely this look in I Saw the Light, polished suit belying the tormented interior life. The style of the early 20th century when Williams made his name was not quite as sleek and tailored as it is now, so the oversized look of a men's suit would do perfectly. I'd raid my dad's closet for this one, but Etsy and eBay are also viable options. For example, the latter offers this (quite large) vintage suit ($14).

The Accessories

The next goal is to score the right accessories: hat, tie, guitar. The Tie Bar organizes its ties by size, and this three-inch-wide grey number ($19) seems like an ideal option.

As for the hat, there are two options: straw, the more economical option, or cowhide, the more authentic option. At $45, this wool hat from Shepler's fits right in the middle of the price spectrum. And just to add a personal touch, try making a guitar prop from cardboard rather than finding a real guitar to finish off the look. A cosplayer by the name of Featherweight has compiled a tutorial to make a cardboard guitar, which could be pretty easily adapted to acoustic rather than electric.

Loki, Avengers: Age Of Ultron

The Look

Alien or supernatural being? That's a recurring question in Thor and The Avengers — does Loki come from another planet, or another realm entirely? His uniform toes the line of otherworldly and magically utilitarian, and the high-collared, ankle-length coat immediately identifies him. Though there are ready-made costumes available, they're pretty pricey (the one above is over $300) and you can accomplish the same overall impression at home. The base layer should be all black — black pants, black shirt, the leather-er the better. And if a long coat isn't at your immediate disposal, I'd recommend repurposing a black blazer for the costume. Pin or sew gold trim along the edge of the lapels, pop the collar, and embellish the part that would now be flush against your neck with bright green fabric — felt is easy to work with and readily available at crafts stores.

The Accessories

Like the basic elements of the costume, buying the accessories ready-made will run your Halloween budget short pretty quickly. Loki's gold helmet and Avengers staff help identify him and can be quickly pulled together with a can of gold spray paint. (If it hasn't become apparent, spray paint is my go-to for most quick-fix DIY solutions.) Devil horns like these ($15) can quickly transform into gold Loki horns with spray paint, and the horns are far more easily obtainable than any sort of helmet contraption. These Maleficent horns ($25) bear even more similarity to Loki's helmet, and Maleficent's staff (also $25, with a quick gold revamp) can just as easily double as Loki's.

Sir Thomas Sharpe, Crimson Peak

The Look

Mia Wasikowska's elegant gentleman caller wears a dapper tuxedo in Crimson Peak. I envision a Halloween adaptation bearing some resemblance to Anne Hathaway's 2011 Oscars tuxedo, one of my favorite looks from an always immaculately dressed lady. Because the tuxedo was once in vogue as the preferred uniform of the haute cuisine restaurant's wait staff, tuxedo shirts are available for next-to-nothing ($20, to be precise) from Webstaurant, a restaurant supply store.

Add black pants (like these ones from Kohl's for $24.99), contrasting white shirt, and you're well on your way to being a fallen member of the aristocracy.

The Accessories

Sharpe's hair is brushed back from his face and topped with a top hat when he leaves the manor; he wears small, round, Lennon-esque sunglasses to protect his fragile gaze. Urban Outfitters sells a pair of suitable sunglasses ($14), while top hats are widely available at costume shops around this time of year. They're the preferred accessory of Tim Burton, and if that doesn't bring the Halloween hordes, then nothing can, really.

In Crimson Peak, Hiddleston's character actually takes a secondary role compared to his sister, played by Jessica Chastain. Really, any of these costumes are easily adaptable to groups, making the characters more recognizable by themselves and as part of a bigger gang. And 2016 is sure to bring even more material for a very merry Hallowiddleston.

Images: Sony Pictures Classics; Ebay; The Tie Bar; Sheplers; Walt Disney Studios; Bonanza; Halloween Central; Universal Pictures; Webstaurant; Free People; Urban Outfitters