We Need 'Doll & Em' Season 3

Even though its second season is just coming to an end, I'm already hoping Doll & Em will return for Season 3. The show was instantly enjoyable starting in Season 1 and had a huge creative leap in Season 2, so I can't wait to see what a third season could bring. But renewal news is probably a bit far away. Unfortunately, the show's Season 2 renewal wasn't even announced until December of 2014 and the second season premiere aired in June 2015, so it's going to be a long wait before anyone even knows whether the show will return or not.
And once the (hopefully good) news does arrive, the show is still probably just under a year away. The wait between cable show seasons can feel so long since there are only a few months of episodes, but it's always worth it. Doll & Em is idiosyncratic, even compared with other shows about close female friendship, and its unique enough that if TV can manage to support dozens of shows about criminal investigators, it can make room for Doll & Em. There are plenty of things about Doll & Em that make it unlike just about any other show out there — and here's my support for why the show should be renewed for Season 3.
The Show Totally Reinvented Itself To Great Success
The first season was pretty good, but it was missing a little something — seeing Dolly as a constant subordinate to Emily got a little repetitive, and the Hollywood setting was just OK. So to reboot the series around a Broadway production in Season 2 seemed risky, but it paid off. Jettisoning the Hollywood baggage and creating a brand new setting in New York was an awesome call.
They Poke Fun At Pretentious Actors
Since Wells and Mortimer are actors playing versions of themselves, they're obligated to come up with funnier versions of their personas. One of the most enjoyable things about Season 2 was their commentary on acting in general, with Dolly and Emily often playing the straight women.
They Rope In The Greatest Guest Stars
Any TV series would be lucky to have Ewan McGregor, but he's on this one. HBO has got to weigh that in their renewal decision.
And They Wrote A Role For Olivia Wilde That She's Killing
When Wilde pairs up with a Spike Jonze or a Joe Swanberg, you get a sense of what makes her a great performer — funny, charming, slightly crazed characters. And that's what she is on Doll & Em.
Dolly & Emily Have Literally Always Been The Coolest
Even though it took them until now to get the HBO series they so deeply deserve, even young Emily and young Dolly were incredibly cool. I especially appreciate Dolly's high-school bully jacket and sunglasses.
There Can Never Be Too Many Shows About Female Friendship
Doll & Em is like a cross between the cinematic achievement of Girls and Togetherness, with the charm of Playing House. And since those are three examples of great shows, Doll & Em deserves to get the chance to make more episodes and demonstrate just how funny and wonderful this show can be.
Image: K.C. Bailey/HBO; Mgxshui, OfYourShadow, NamasteToYouToo/Tumblr; Giphy