
Couple Seeking Sperm Donor Pens Hilarious FB Post

by Lara Rutherford-Morrison

Ashleigh Habgood and Alley Williams are a New Zealand based lesbian couple looking for a sperm donor, and they’re not afraid to use social media to do it. In a hilarious Facebook post, the pair advertises for their ideal donor, citing a major shortage of available sperm at New Zealand sperm banks. Not willing to wait 18 months to get a donor through a bank, they turned to Facebook, writing, “[W]e advertise on FB for everything else so why not a sperm donor. That’s right. We need sperm!”

Habgood and Williams explain that they require someone who is kind, intelligent, under 45, taller than them, and with a clear medical history and no desire to be a dad to their offspring. (They clarify that the donor will be “‘The kind man who gave us some sperm.’ NOT ‘Daddy.’”) They also list “Dream world extras,” which include being an All Black (that is, a member of New Zealand’s national Rugby team), being an amazing lover (Not because they want to have sex with the donor but because “we just want to bring more amazing lovers into this world.”), and “own[ing] a sweet kids clothing label that can kit out our bub 24/7.” Hey, a couple can dream, right?

Habgood jokes that, so far, their attempts to conceive on their own just aren’t working out. She writes,

If I could smoosh Alley's freckles and everlasting positivity with my extreme good looks, intelligence and undeniable modesty, then I would, but no matter how hard Alley and I run at each other, it just ain't working. We've even stopped using protection!

The whole post is playful in tone, but Habgood and Williams, who have been best friends since they were 15, assure readers that they are serious about one thing: “OBVIOUSLY at the end of the day we just want a healthy baby who we can dote on forever. Boy, girl? Black, white? Short, tall? We don't care.” They add, "We will keep having fun with our bub/bubs until the day we die:) Travel, adventure, learning is what we’re all about!"

Image courtesy of Ashleigh Habgood and Alley Williams.