The Best Friend Bucket List To Complete Before 30

Before you know it, you'll be 30. It's not a death sentence, but it is a milestone. Your life will be a little bit different in your thirties: More and more of your friends will be plucked by the marriage and baby bug, and if you're not already with child or ring, you might be soon. Work will become more demanding, your priorities will shift, your schedule will fill in, and the concept of a girl's weekend will become more of a rarity than a monthly necessity. And while you should always make time to adventure with your friends, it will become more difficult to round everyone up the older you get.
Not to mention, an occasional meet up at a wine bar or brunch isn't necessarily the best way to nurture and strengthen your friendships. Help your relationships evolve and mature by stepping them up with new activities and adventures. You might be surprised to find that there's even more to learn about your best friends when you shake up your routine.
Don't forget to take advantage of the untethered time you might have now. Make your friends a priority while you can, take the effort to move things around and clear time for your friendships because they're worth it. Here are 12 things ever group of best friends should do together before age 30:
Go On An Epic All-Day Hike
Check out your local park service and pick a hike over five miles. Pack your backpacks with water and snacks and spend the whole day trekking through the woods with your cellphones OFF.
Try Something Terrifying And New
Groupon is a great place to find weird classes you didn't know you wanted to take. Take a salsa class, pottery class, fencing lesson, trapeze lesson, German language class. Pick the scariest thing you can find and do it together.
Go On A Camping or Glamping Trip
Find a great camping ground or local park and spend the night in a tent. Building a fire and making dinner alone will be all the entertainment you need. Tell ghost stories, make shadow puppets, enjoy the freedom of waking up in the woods.
Go To An Amusement Park
If rides aren't your thing, do a search for the weirdest family parks you can find. Try a theme park or adventure course. You'll be surprised by how much you'll enjoy the attractions even if they're for children. But let's face it, anything you do with your best friends is fun.
Cook A Feast And Have A Dinner Party
Get the group together, go to the grocery store and plan a feast. Cook multiple courses and desserts together. Set the table with candles and flowers and enjoy a lavish meal, feeling accomplished and full.
Take A Road Trip
Pick a place, any place. Pack up the car and take your besties out on the open road. Stop at all the local attractions, dig up your CDs from high school and sign at the top of your lungs with the windows down.
Have An Adult Camp Day
Spend a day outside, swimming, fishing, boating, gabbing on the dock. Get in touch with your inner camper. Chances are you all went to different camps and can contribute different campy ideas.
Watch The Sun Rise Or Set
Force yourself to get up early and find a high, clear point to watch the sun rise. You'll be groggy, but if the sky is clear, the view will be magical and you'll always remember that moment fondly.
Have An Elaborate Picnic In The Park
Organize a potluck picnic. Bring fruit, cheese, crackers, and a big blanket and park it for the afternoon. Whip out the frisbee or a ball to throw if the mood strikes you.
Find A Hill And Go Sledding
After a big snow, grab some sleds and hit the hills. Sledding only gets more fun as you get older. Go fast, go backwards, sled until you can't feel your fingers and toes. And then go inside and have a Hot Toddy.
Have A Super Soaker Fight
Wait for a hot day and fill up some super soakers and have an epic fight. Add some non-toxic coloring the each super soaker and make a game out of it.
Play Like You Did When You Were Kids
Shut off your phones, your work brain, your relationship issues, your life stress. Go somewhere that you had fun when you were younger and relive it. Allow yourself to have fun and enjoy how good it feels to have good friends. The key is staying present.
Images: birdiewylde/Instagram (7). brittay//Instagram (5)