There Are Now Anti-Donald Trump Super PACs
Donald Trump claims he wants to make America great again, but his TV ads, hateful and discriminatory, are making clear that he would not, in fact, make our country great. Somehow, however, he has led the polls and established himself as the GOP front-runner in the 2016 presidential elections. Not everyone buys into his aversion to political correctness, though. On Jan. 21, one of Mitt Romney's former aides launched an anti-Trump super PAC and celebrities have started backing the "Dump Trump" campaign.
Not only are the founders of these campaigns strictly and explicitly against Trump, but the organizations are calling on others to join them in advocating against the presidential hopeful. Super PACs are independent committees that can raise unlimited amounts of money to spend on candidates. Although super PACs can use this money to advocate for or against political candidates, they generally emerge in support of candidates, not in opposition to them.
Throughout this election season, Trump has faced consistent backlash for his misogynistic and racially charged comments; he was even booed at the recent GOP debate after questioning Ted Cruz's citizenship. Trump has been so controversial through his campaign that British Parliament is even considering banning him from the United Kingdom altogether.
The Donald has managed to overcome these negative reviews and continue to lead in the polls, but these two new anti-Trump campaigns could garner enough support to actually make a difference. Here they are:
Our Principles Super PAC
There are less than two weeks until the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, so it's safe to say candidates are getting serious. With that in mind, Our Principles Super PAC emerged to take down Trump in this important time for candidates and voters alike. Katie Packer, the former deputy campaign manager for Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, founded the super PAC with the goal to destroy Trump's campaign. According to Politico, the group has spent nearly $45,000 on anti-Trump materials they sent in the mail to Iowa voters. It's still unclear if Romney has spoken with Packer about this group, but she remains focused on the group's plans:
Our Principles PAC has focused on conservative principles and ensuring that voters have the necessary information to make a wise decision on Election Day.
Alex Castellanos, another former Romney aide, has reportedly tried to spread the word in the fight against Trump. However, according to Real Clear Politics, Castellanos said that there have been "no takers" among major Republican donors to fund this campaign.
It's getting late in the game. If you disqualify Trump, you could help Ted Cruz. The establishment doesn't want that. If you disqualify Cruz, you could help Trump. So a lot of the establishment is just sitting on the sidelines and I think the moment to go after either has passed.
Despite one anti-Trump supporter's discouragement, Our Principles Super PAC remains committed to informing people about the issues with Trump on their website.
"Dump Trump" Campaign
This campaign's message is clear: Stop the hate and dump Trump. It emerged on Jan. 20 and this campaign is serious — its website features an entire page dedicated solely to "Trump Hate," or the many offensive things Trump has said. The website states its message on the media page, which details the reasons its supporters cannot and will not stand for Trump as the Republican Presidential front-runner.
A diverse coalition cutting across race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and party affiliation has organised to give voice to Americans calling out Donald Trump for his hate speech, misogyny, Islamaphobia, and racism.
In only two days, the group has gained attention and support from many celebrities, like Kerry Washington, Jane Fonda, Danny Glover, and Cynthia Nixon. Supporters are using the hashtag #StopHateDumpTrump to band together online.
The Donald may have been able to talk his way out of previous situations and somehow remain the top GOP candidate, but these two anti-Trump campaigns are serious about removing him as the presidential front-runner and they're attacking him at a prime time right before the Iowa caucus.