Twerking At The Iowa Caucus On 'The Chat Room'
The Iowa caucuses have come and gone, but if you're still wondering if what went down in the Hawkeye state this past Monday was actually like that episode of The Good Wife, or how Ted Cruz stole Donald Trump's thunder, or (most importantly) which candidate inspired the best memes, then listen to this week's episode of Bustle's podcast, The Chat Room . Bustle's associate web culture editor, Emma Lord, and senior multimedia editor, Rosanne Salvatore, dove into the messy, exciting world of politics to ask the critical questions. Namely: Can Iowa voters be publicly bribed with swag bags? And can you booty-bump or twerk into someone during caucusing to get them over to the side supporting your candidate?
Sadly, as the politics editor, I had the unfortunate responsibility of letting them know that twerking and booty-bumping isn't part of the traditional caucusing process for either Democrats or Republicans. Swag bags don't really jive with voting laws, either. Instead, I explained that caucusing can be an "exhausting, bizarre" process. It not only requires Iowans (at least Democrats) to publicly support their candidate in front of their friends and neighbors, but also to possibly spend several hours listening to speeches and coaxing their peers on a cold winter night.
"So you have to have a full cell phone battery and pray to God you have HBOGo?," Emma asked. Yup, pretty much.
And even though the Iowa caucuses are behind us, the memes from the evening keep on giving us pleasure — so much so that Lord raised a very important concern about Trump's fall from frontrunner status to Ted Cruz. "I'm concerned that if Trump is not in in the forefront, will we be able to meme these other candidates?" she asked. Indeed, Trump has been a presidential gift from the Meme Gods.
Thankfully, I was able to happily assure these wonderful ladies and all Bustle listeners that regardless of how much longer Trump is in the race, the 2016 batch of Democratic and Republican presidential candidates will most certainly keep giving us some delightful, delightful memes. On that front, feel confident our country is in good hands.