Netflix's new show Love follows the lives of two twenty-somethings in Los Angeles and their slow, evolving relationship. It also involves the wonderfully peculiar supporting characters in Mickey and Gus' lives. One of those characters is Mickey's roommate on Love, Bertie, played by Claudia O'Doherty. Bertie initially goes on a date with Gus, despite both parties totally not feeling the set-up. Bertie is sure to steal your heart on the show, and you're definitely going to love (get it?) O'Doherty.
O'Doherty, although relatively new on the Hollywood scene, is a face you're going to become very familiar with. According to an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald, O'Doherty got her start in a dream-come-true way that sounds more like its own TV show than actual reality. The Australian comedian says that she was spotted by fellow comedian Amy Schumer on YouTube, which eventually led to her small role in Trainwreck and now Love. Yeah, pretty damn cool if I do say so myself.
Now, more ventures have presented themselves to O'Doherty, so be prepared to see more of her very soon. Until then, here's what you need to know about your new favorite roommate Bertie.
She's Personally Recommended By Amy Schumer
According to an article by The Sydney Morning Herald, it was Schumer's Trainwreck co-star Bill Hader who originally showed Schumer one of O'Doherty's comedy videos. "Bill [Hader] showed me one of [O'Doherty's] videos when we started casting the movie and I was like, 'I have to work with this girl.' She's so funny," Schumer told the newspaper.
But, You'll Love Her Yourself
In case you don't trust Schumer and Hader, check out this hilarious YouTube video where O'Doherty tries to muster up business for her family's travel company by going to England and learning all about the culture.
She's Won Many Comedy Awards
Although she's relatively new to the American scene, O'Doherty has always been making audiences laugh. In fact, O'Doherty has been winning comedy awards like the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Best Newcomer Award, the Melbourne Fringe Best Comedy Award and the Brisbane Comedy Festival Award for years.
You're Only Going To See More Of Her
In case you fall in love with O'Doherty when Love airs (and you will), don't worry. She'll be returning to Inside Amy Schumer next season.
In the meantime, start outlining your letter to your roommate on why they should be more like Bertie on Love, and prepare to welcome O'Doherty into your heart.
Images: Suzanne Hanover/Netflix