Clinton Morphs Into Sanders On 'SNL' — VIDEO
Saturday Night Live never passes up an opportunity to relentlessly ridicule a presidential candidate, and the 2016 election has provided the comedians with endless possibilities. On the latest episode, Kate McKinnon impersonated Hillary Clinton in a mock campaign ad in which she slowly morphs into her opponent, Bernie Sanders. While McKinnon's portrayal of Clinton talking, gesturing, and even looking like Sanders is obviously exaggerated, the Democrat has been accused in real life of adopting plans very similar to Sanders' in order to appeal to his strong millennial base. The issues Clinton's progressed on, which now closely match Sanders' views, do make it seem like the Vermont senator is pushing her to the left.
In the SNL sketch, McKinnon-as-Clinton tries to reach young voters, saying: "As millennials, your voice is important. You're the ones who will decide this election, because there are so many of you — so, so many. And luckily I, Hillary Clinton, share all of your exact same beliefs, and I always have." As she becomes more and more like Sanders, waving her arms in the air and speaking in a thick Brooklyn accent, McKinnon begins rattling off some of the Vermont senator's catchphrases. "I know you millennials — you're fired up, you're angry," she says. "And I'm angry too, because the top 10 percent of the top 1 percent control 90 percent of the wealth in this country. And I've always said that."
Of course, Clinton isn't changing her hair or clothes to look like Sanders IRL, but some of her positions have become more similar to his. Here are four issues Clinton's changed her mind on or tweaked over the years that unavoidably look very similar to Sanders' beliefs.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership
While secretary of state, Clinton supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, but came out in opposition of it in October after months of not wanting to take a strong position. Sanders always opposed the TPP because he believed it would allow corporations to move jobs overseas, and he prodded Clinton to take a side. She was asked about the flip-flop during the Feb. 4 Democratic debate, and said, "I waited until it had actually been negotiated, because I did want to give the benefit of the doubt to the [Obama] administration. Once I saw what the outcome was, I opposed it."
The Keystone XL Pipeline
Once again, Clinton played the waiting game with the Keystone XL pipeline issue. After not voicing an opinion on the controversial pipeline, which environmentalists have strongly opposed, the Democrat finally said that she was against it at a campaign event in September. "As a senator who has vigorously opposed the Keystone pipeline from the beginning, I am glad that Secretary Clinton finally has made a decision, and I welcome her opposition to the pipeline," Sanders said at the time.
Gay Marriage
Clinton's 2016 campaign began centered around social issues, painting her as a major supporter of LGBTQ rights and gay marriage. However, in her 2008 campaign, she was only in favor of civil unions for same-sex couples. The presidential hopeful explained the change by saying her position evolved, as did most Americans' on the subject. Sanders supported gay marriage years before Clinton, though some have said that he was really advocating for state's rights more than for LGBTQ rights.
Student Debt
Clinton made tackling student debt a much bigger part of her 2016 campaign than she did in 2008. In the March 9 Democratic debate, she said, "I'm going to put a date certain that after a certain number of years, you no longer have to pay anything. The government has to quit making money off of lending money to young people to get their education." Sanders released his student debt and free college plan before hers, and he definitely noticed some similarities. "I think what Secretary Clinton just said is absolutely right," Bernie responded at the debate. "I think I said it many months before she said it, but thanks for copying a very good idea." Student debt has become more talked about nationwide, so Clinton wasn't necessarily copying Sanders by creating a plan to reduce it; however, he did take a stand on the issue much sooner.
Though parody, the SNL sketch was onto something.
Images: Saturday Night Live/YouTube (2)