Clinton Makes A 'Broad City' Cameo — VIDEO
In her quest to attract millennial voters who largely flock towards Bernie Sanders' campaign, the Democratic frontrunner for president found the perfect in — Hillary Clinton will appear in an episode of Broad City, bringing comedy and politics together for one epic show. Not only will the cameo make Clinton look fun and hip, it also comes off as an endorsement from the stars of the show — even though they've insisted it's not. If you're a Broad City fanatic and Clinton supporter, this will be a must-see TV moment.
In a trailer for the episode posted online Tuesday, Ilana is wrapping up a stint of either working or volunteering for the Clinton campaign at its Brooklyn headquarters. It looks like the scene was filmed in the actual headquarters since the campaign logo, along with lots of sticky notes, painted on the wall behind the actresses looks just like pictures of the real office.
When Abbi meets Ilana at the Clinton headquarters, the best friends are in awe of the fact that the presidential hopeful has worked in the same space. "She's walked on these floors. She's breathed this air. Take it in," Ilana says to Abbi, prompting them both to take exaggerated whiffs of air. "That is power. It smells decisive," the two say back and forth. "It smells like confidence. It smells like no bullshit."
As Ilana shows Abbi her former desk and the column she used to lean on while talking about important political issues, they're stopped in their tracks when Clinton herself walks in. Time seems to slow down and the former Secretary of State's wink sparks fireworks. When the friends are finally able to calm down, Ilana says to Clinton, "Sorry, we are just so excited." Looking both amused and confused by their reaction to her entrance, Clinton responds, "It's all right, just take your time."
The trailer cuts off there, so you'll have to tune in to the full episode Wednesday night to see what shenanigans Ilana, Abbi, and Clinton are up to.
Although the episode could easily be considered an endorsement for Clinton, the comedians have tried to make it clear that the purpose was purely to make good TV. The real-life Abbi said at SXSW this week, "We were not trying to make a political statement. That's not our show, really — 'let's make a political stance here.' It's really more that this is something that Ilana's character would do."
Clinton wouldn't turn down an official endorsement from the celebs though, and in her Facebook post featuring the video, she wrote: "You're welcome at (the real) HQ any time, Broad City."
Images: Hillary Clinton/Comedy Central