Meet The Fierce Ladies From 'Wonder Woman'

After Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters Thursday, Wonder Woman will be the next superhero to make her claim in the DC Comics space. Yes, actress Gal Gadot's depiction of the female icon has been turning heads and sparking conversations about feminism and superhero films since news of a Wonder Woman movie broke — but now, our first look at her on the big screen is closer than ever. And now, of course, with her introduction (the BvS premiere) just around the corner, fans are getting more info about Wonder Woman's own origin story. Like this photo (below) of Wonder Woman, her mother Queen Hippolyta (played by Connie Nielsen), and her two aunts: General Antiope (Robin Wright) and Antiope’s lieutenant, Menalippe (Lisa Loven Kongsli). If you, too, are thinking, "Damn, that's a lot of kick-ass woman for one photo," you're not alone. It is, and it's awesome.
If you're not familiar with the story behind Wonder Woman, it was these three powerful woman who helped transform Wonder Woman's original identity, Princess Diana, into the one of the superhero we know today. According to Entertainment Weekly, however, the trio doesn't always agree on what's best for the titular character. With good intentions, the woman raise Diana on the island of Themyscira, a hidden and isolated island that, within the tales of Greek mythology, is female only.
For a film that has been focused on strong women since the beginning — and for a film tha, significantly, decided to go with a female director/mostly female crew — this photo and story line is another positive, political stance. In a world where comic book-to-film adaptations can feel like a "boys club," here are four woman totally poised to take over the space. As a fan of Wonder Woman — and what she stands for — it's exciting to see the once fever dream of a female superhero movie finally coming to life. For there to be even more heroic females to look up to in the film? Now that's just the icing on top. The glorious, ass-kicking icing.
By the looks of past trailers, and now this, Wonder Woman is shaping up to be everything I could have asked for in a female-led DC movie. To add these other fierce woman in the story is another huge, Amazonion step in the right direction.
Images: Warner Bros. Pictures