
F. Lee Bailey Is Quiet When It Comes To 'ACS'

by Jack O'Keeffe

Since O.J. Simpson's trial only ended with his acquittal about 20 years ago, many of the people who were actually involved in the case are speaking out to let viewers of FX's The People v. American Crime Story know how accurate it. Prosecutor Marcia Clark said on Larry King Live that the show is so accurate, "it’s painful to watch," while witness Mark Fuhrman disagreed, telling the New York Post that "it is sad that this movie will be the historical word on this infamous trial." However, one key figure seems to be keeping quiet. What does F. Lee Bailey think of American Crime Story ?

Part of Simpson's "dream team" of defense attornies, Bailey has kept quiet about the TV series so far. Bustle's request for comment from Bailey on the show has not been answered. It seems that when the lawyer does speak out on Simpson, it's not to talk about the show, but rather to discuss developments related to the case. Bailey has maintained Simpson's innocence and after a knife was found on Simpson's property in March 2016, spoke out about the discovery to FOX. In the clip below, Bailey is quoted as saying, "The whole thing is ridiculous." He also told FOX, "I am confident, if it's connected, OJ did not drop it on his property any more than he did the gloves." On April 1, the Los Angeles Police Department determined that the knife is not connected to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Though this all occurred after the premiere of American Crime Story, Bailey did not comment on the series or its portrayal of him.

Bailey also spoke to news outlets about Simpson prior to American Crime Story's debut, for the 20th anniversary of the trial. In June 2014, he told Maine's WMTW, "The O.J. case was, unfortunately, a charade almost from the get-go." He also said, "The public was more poorly informed than in any other case that I've handled." Bailey discussed a paper that he posted about the trial on his website and claimed to WMTW, "I haven't met anyone yet who's read that paper and come back to me and said, 'Oh, I still think [Simpson's] guilty.'"

Bailey's perspective on American Crime Story would certainly be interesting, especially since much of the series has focused on the prosecution's point of view. The season may be coming to an end on Tuesday night, but hopefully, Bailey will eventually share his thoughts on its depiction of the trial that it seems he's still thinking about.

Image: Ray Mickshaw/FX