
'Southern Charm' Season 4 Needs To Start Soon

Oh Mylanta, Southern Charm fans. The last few episodes of Season 3 were a hurricane, an explosion, a tornado of poor manners and fake Southern hospitality. In the penultimate episode of Southern Charm, Thomas Ravenel (or T-Rav, if you want to use his embarrassing nickname) invited everyone over to his house for a dinner party in which he yelled at everyone, and then in the Season 3 finale, Kathryn and Landon screamed at each other at the Founder’s Ball. With all this drama, I have to know — when is Southern Charm Season 4 coming to resolve things?

Bravo hasn’t announced a pickup for the show’s fourth season, but I don’t know how it couldn’t. Southern Charm has gotten crazier and crazier as the seasons have progressed, and it’s been a wonderful ride (at least for the viewer). Thomas’ dinner party was pretty insane — everyone was seated around his table and he just started going off on each of his guests, one by one. No wonder everyone left. Kathryn was happy that Thomas “stood up for her” but still decided to pick a fight with Landon at the ball. And then Shep’s date asked Shep if Landon would admit she slept with Thomas, and then the show ended. Are you kidding me, Bravo? There has to be a Season 4 now. You can’t do this to me! The reunion is not enough!

I’m going to pretend like the show has already been renewed, because I need these questions answered in Southern Charm Season 4.

Did Thomas & Landon Hook Up?

First and foremost, this is what everyone wants to know. Who is this Robyn? If she’s Landon’s friend like Landon says she is, she knows the tea, and she just spilled it all over the place. Bravo can’t clean it up until we know the truth (but I still say yes).

Will Cameran Have A Baby?

A great part of this season was Cameran’s indecision about having a child. Having a baby is not an easy choice for everyone, and her struggles were real, honest, and so intriguing to watch. I want to know what she decides!

When Will Craig Take The Bar?

#NewCraig is back on track to becoming a lawyer, and he has to study for and take the Bar Exam to do it. But will he actually do it? The world needs to know.

Will Shep Settle Down With Landon?

Another Landon question — she admitted she loved Shep, and Shep just kind of shrugged. But now that we see that Shep is starting to realize he doesn’t want to be old and alone like Thomas, well, Shep may come around to loving Landon. I think he already does, but he’s too afraid to admit it.

Are Thomas & Kathryn Getting Back Together (Like, Ever)?

Two kids and I hope they don’t have a third — just kidding. Babies are adorable. Speaking of, Thomas and Kathryn seemed to be getting along the best they have in a while after the birth of St. Julien (that name is a piece for another day, though). Could they rekindle their relationship, or will this Landon thing blow it all to bits?

Like I said, Bravo, I need a Season 4 of Southern Charm and I need all of these questions answered in the process.

Images: Paul Cheney/Bravo; Giphy (5)