The Wait For 'GoT' Season 7 Just Got Shorter

It's only been a handful of weeks since Season 6 of Games of Thrones concluded but we're still reeling from it. The show that's continued to rock out worlds is definitely set to do the same in Season 7. But when exactly will this earth-shattering Game of Thrones season set to begin? Well, wipe those sweaty, furrowed brows, dear fans because the word on the street is the Game of Thrones is returning Summer 2017. Oh heck yes, that's right. We only have to wait a little longer than the usual springtime release for our favorite fantasy show.
You may be thinking this is a bad thing. Trust me, it's not. If anything, this means that there will be plenty of time for fans of the show to catch up on all the seasons in full. There will be time to recall all of the various characters, examine all of the intricate plots details and simply immerse yourself in the fantasy once more. That's not so bad, right?
The push back to summertime was a calculated move on the part of the showrunners. As HBO programming president Casey Bloys states, “Now that winter has arrived, executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss felt that the storylines of the next season would be better served by starting production a little later than usual, when the weather is changing." But with this exciting news that yes, we will have a Season 7 and double yes, we'll have it in a year's time, there's is a major catch:
And so it goes that for every upside, there is a downside as well. This Emmys 2017 exclusion comes with a sad, but not necessarily negative, side-effect for the Game of Thrones team. Perhaps it's a bit obvious: no matter how excellent these final performances are from the cast, they will go unrecognized or rewarded from the Emmys. It goes without saying that this shortened final season of Game of Thrones will be going the extra mile to wrap up storylines and character arcs with great aplomb. The fact that the show risks going unnoticed during awards season seems to just be the cost of doing business.
But let's not let the negativity cloud our excitement, okay? Game of Thrones is going to be back in the blink of an eye. That's the most important thing here.