Michelle Is A Major 'BB18' Target
It's been an emotional start to another week in the Big Brother 18 household. With certain showmances (I'm looking at you, Zakiyah and Paulie) falling apart at the seams and a double eviction looming, Michelle and Zakiyah may be in real danger soon. While Zakiyah may have unexpectedly ended up on the block, it's not surprising to see Michelle is the biggest target in the house. After tossing her cookies during the Head of Household competition and spending the next couple of hours fighting with Nicole and crying, her unpredictability could be the biggest reason she is now in the hot seat. Until recent weeks, Michelle was always a lowkey character. So, aside from possibly being too emotional, what else could have contributed to her getting put up on the eviction block?
Michelle readily admitting to Nicole that she is just "too emotional" (a quality that can have negative repercussions in the Big Brother 18 household), making this the big reason she's on the block. Michelle picking fights after losing the HoH competition put a lot of eyes on her. Those negative reactions turned Michelle's former allies (like Nicole and James) sour on further supporting her. We saw what happened when Tiffany got "too emotional" to play the game. Being too vulnerable is an unfortunate side-effect of playing the Big Brother game, but it could serve as a warning to other players.
Another big reason? Those past alliances with hot button characters might have meant Michelle is now a major target. Despite trying to keep a low profile, she cozied up to both Tiffany and Da'vonne. Her closeness with Zakiyah only adds fuel to the theory that Michelle did not align with the right players. It seems that Victor is also trying to carry out a personal vendetta (did you see that harsh move with the beads, people?) against Michelle. Times are tough for Meech; she's going to have to fight extra hard this week.
Despite being put up on the block, some on Twitter were quick to note that where Victor is concerned, Michelle and Zakiyah might actually be the least threatening players of all.
Paul and Paulie were busy aligning with Victor this week but Paul was very quick to scoff behind Victor's backing, stating that there "is no 'V' in 'P & P'." With a double eviction hanging like a dark cloud over the house, the next few days will surely be some of the most tense that the Big Brother 18 household has ever seen.
Image: Cliff Lipson/CBS