
Luann & Bethenny Fight On The 'RHONY' Reunion

by Lindsay Denninger

Part one of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion had fans reminiscing about the beginning of the season. The women rehashed John and Bethenny’s fight, Bethenny’s birthday party, and a few other things I had already forgotten about. What I did relive with some glee was Dorinda’s Christmas party in the Berkshires — on the reunion, the Real Housewives of New York City ladies recounted all the names Bethenny called Luann and how the Skinnygirl mogul accused the Countess of being a hypocrite for sleeping with married men. But on the reunion, Luann countered, saying that the only hypocrite on RHONY is Bethenny herself.

Now, it’s obvious that Bethenny and Luann will never get along. They’ve never been that close for the eight seasons of the show, and now with Bethenny being the one to reveal Luann’s fiancé’s infidelity, I don’t think there’s any hope of redemption.

On the reunion, Luann said that Bethenny is a hypocrite because she is dating a married man. Bethenny pretty much lost it at this, because her boyfriend, Dennis Shields, is separated from his wife. Carole, Jules, and Ramona backed this up. Luann then doubled down on the fact that both Bethenny and Dennis were still, technically, married when they started dating (this must have been filmed before Bethenny’s divorced was finalized). And while that sounds like they could both be right (they were technically married, because a separation is not a divorce), it ended in Bethenny telling Luann that she was “born a liar and will die a liar” and Luann retorting that Bethenny is a “horrible person.” I mean, damn.

It’s surprising to see such vitriol on part one of the reunion — the fact that Bethenny called her boyfriend’s daughter to prove that there was nothing nefarious about her relationship with him is pretty unprecedented. This isn’t Andy Cohen breaking out the big guns; this is themselves cast proving that Luann and Bethenny absolutely loathe each other, and I think, personally, that it’s a little bit about Luann saving face after such a disastrous series of episodes toward the end. I can only imagine what the last two parts of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion have in store.

Images: Charles Sykes/Bravo