
Watch Michelle Obama On Stephen Colbert

by Noor Al-Sibai

Barack Obama might be commander-in-chief, but the first lady is clearly the funnier half of the most powerful couple in the world. In her appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Tuesday night, the FLOTUS cracked up the late-night host. One only needs to watch Michelle Obama impersonate her husband on Stephen Colbert's show to see just how hilarious things can get in the East Wing.

Michelle impersonated Barack at the dinner table, answering a fictitious question from their daughter Malia about global warming. She then imitated his characteristic educated Midwesterner accent, saying, "Well, I'm glad you asked that" before proceeding to start to answer the question in three parts, with subheadings. It's clear from this impression that the president is as professor-ly with his family as he tends to be in speeches. Michelle did go on to say that, unless asked, Barack leaves his job at the door when he sits down with his family, and loves to hear about the gossip in his daughters' lives because, as Michelle humorously quipped, "he doesn't have a life." Still, she said that he tends to leave business matters behind when he joins the family for dinner.

The exchange is as funny as it is sweet — because, as with everyone else, making fun of a loved one can be a way to show just how much you love them.

This is the second recent instance in which the FLOTUS has poked fun at her significant other. Last week, Michelle was on Ellen with basketball superstar Steph Curry to promote their Drink Up campaign, and over the course of their interview, she even encouraged Curry to make fun of Barack's ears to combat the president's golf trash talk.

There's no way to know what goes on behind the scenes between the Obamas, but at the very least, their rapport (usually) makes for great entertainment. Here's hoping that our next presidential couple is as funny as the Obamas — or at least that, in my opinion, we never, ever have to hear Donald Trump publicly tell jokes about Melania.