Adam Scooped Up A Major Contender

We saw three Battle Rounds on The Voice Tuesday night. Three. Over the course of an entire hour. THREE. Oh, forgive me! There were three full Battle Rounds plus three lightning fast Battle Rounds. So technically, we saw six. But if I’m going to be honest — and I think it’s important that I always be honest when talking about The Voice — I don’t really remember what went down during the lightning Battle Rounds. I'm very sorry. As for the three full Battle Rounds? I REMEMBER! Hooray. Delvin “Singing Barista” Choice beat Caleb “Donut Dude” Elder, and Clarissa Serna won the match against Jeremy Briggs. Both performances were fun, but my favorite of the night was the final Battle.
Team Usher's Brittnee Camelle (one of my favorites) and Melissa Jiménez (whose audition I liked a great deal as well) were paired up. I had a feeling that this Battle Round was going to be tough. I wasn't wrong. Both are so talented! And dynamic! And wonderful!
And… OKAY. Forgive me for objectifying them, but oh my gosh. Can we take a moment to address how gorgeous the two women are? I mean, WOWZERS.
That's enough of my ogling. Onto the singing.
Usher picked the track “Give It To Me Right," and he and advisor Jill Scott spent a good chunk of the coaching sesh ironing out the singers’ nerves. Post-rehearsal, Usher said he and Jill doled out a lot of notes, and if either gal wanted to win the round, they’d have to show that they listened to and applied said notes. It wasn't just going to be a Battle. It was also going to be a Test. Study up.
How was the Test, er, Battle? I was totes feeling it. Melissa and Brittnee have very different tones and styles, but the different tones and styles worked well together. Brittnee’s voice sounded controlled and strong, and Melissa showed off her magical range. I thought it was a pretty close match, but Brittnee kind of gave me Christina Aguilera vibes, so I reckon I gravitated toward her. Xtina vibes are my jam.
However, there was the final note. It was a huge note. Well, it was actually two notes. Melissa and Brittnee belted AND harmonized. I was a goddamned wreck. Melissa really crushed her part, and Brittnee harmonized with her brilliantly. Blake Shelton was floored by the mega note Melissa hit. He said that "it wasn't falsetto, wasn't weak, it was just straight up desperation." I normally wouldn't throw the word "desperation" into a compliment (it's not exactly the most positive word), but I understood what Blake meant. She WENT for it. She sang like someone with nothing left to lose. It was awesome.
Here's the Battle:
It was a close call, but Usher picked Melissa. He said he thought Melissa “gave a little bit more” than Brittnee. I was disappointed he didn’t go through all of the notes from the coaching session and tally up points and say, “So-and-so technically applied more of the feedback from rehearsal than the other, therefore she is the winner.” Watching Usher grade their individual performances according to a rubric? Could've been cool. I would've been all about it.
Before I could freak out over Brittnee leaving the show, Adam Levine and Shakira hit their Steal buttons. Brittnee went with Team Adam. Such an amazing addition to his team. Woo! You know what that means? Brittnee and Melissa are still in the running to become America's next Voice superstar. Woo, part two!
Next Monday Night: Blind Auditions Keep On Turnin', More Contestants Keep On Learnin'.
Image: Tyler Golden/NBC