After Cheyenne Jackson's sleazy producer Sidney was shown manipulating the people in the Roanoke house on American Horror Story Season 6, I knew he wouldn't last long. But when Sidney on American Horror Story was killed in the first moments of "Chapter Seven," it was still pretty shocking. Considering this is AHS, Jackson may return from the dead, but this producer certainly got what he deserved — at least according to Kathy Bates' Agnes Mary Winstead.
Even after producing My Roanoke Nightmare, Sidney was far from convinced that Matt, Shelby, and Lee had been telling the truth about their terrifying experiences with the dead. And after he didn't allow the Butcher actress Agnes to appear on the second season of the reality TV show, she was obviously going to exact some revenge. But did I expect it to happen so damn soon? No way.
Agnes not only killed his production assistance and cameraman, but she took out Sidney in her Butcher costume with her hatchet — as you do, when you're obsessed by the centuries-old murderer you portrayed on a TV show. But mabe I should use the word posessed rather than obsessed since when Agnes went after Shelby a little bit later, she disappeared after Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Dominic Banks came to save Shelby. Since AHS hasn't shown viewers the real version of the Butcher, maybe she's embodying the actress who so passionately played her.
Regardless of what's going on with Agnes, Sidney is most certainly dead — but really, he was kind of asking for it.
Image: FX