Whether you opt for condoms, the Pill, an IUD, or some other form of it, birth control isn’t just essential for those with active sex lives, but a responsible choice, too. No one wants an unplanned pregnancy, especially now that the fate of women’s reproductive rights is on the line thanks the outcome of this past presidential election.
Although many people might assume Republicans are against birth control, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy conducted a study in which they asked young Republicans how they really feel about the topic as part of their Thanks, Birth Control campaign to find out. The national survey of men and women, ages 18 to 34, aimed to uncover the truth, since there’s a decent chance that if these young Republicans are having sex and not having children, something is being used. Of those surveyed, 53 percent were male and 47 percent were female. The majority of them, at 42 percent, were 18 to 24 years of age, 29 percent being between 25 and 29 years old, and 30 and 34 years old. Most were white, at 73 percent, with four percent being Black, 11 percent being Hispanic, and 12 percent identifying as “other.”
The results were, to say the least, refreshing.
1. More Than Half Of Young Republicans View Birth Control Positively
At 57 percent, over half of those surveyed have a positive view of birth control. 17 percent, on the other hand, reported having a negative view of it, and 35 percent of Republican women have a “very positive” view of it. Thirty percent of both men and women feel neutral about the topic all together.
2. The Majority Feel That Birth Control Should Be Used To Prevent Unplanned Pregnancies
Eight out of 10 of young Republicans believe that if someone doesn’t want a child, then birth control is the way to go. It was also found that two-thirds of them, again the majority, say “every adult woman should have access to affordable, effective birth control because it gives people a chance to build families on their own terms.”
3. Young Republicans Aren’t As Supportive Of Emergency Contraception
While the the majority of them believe that birth control is important and women should have access to it, many Republicans drew the line when it came to emergency contraception like Plan B. In fact, 44 percent of them view this option negatively — mostly young Republican women.
4. Most Young Republican Women Understand The Importance Of Birth Control
Not only did the study find that these women recognize that birth control has other pros in addition to preventing pregnancy, but 59 percent of them feel that it should be treated like any other healthcare service. On the flip side, only 38 percent of young Republican men agreed with this sentiment.
5. Almost 50 Percent Think Insurance Should Cover Birth Control
For 48 percent of the respondents, having insurance cover FDA approved birth control is a good idea. Also, although 60 percent of those surveyed are opposed to the Affordable Care Act, 43 percent do think that the law’s contraception requirement should remain in place. Only 15 percent of those surveyed knew someone who had struggled to pay for their own birth control.
6. Most Young Republicans See Contraception As A “Convenience”
While most young Republican women seem very much in support of birth control and access to it, 60 percent of those surveyed — both men and women — see it as a “personal convenience” rather than necessary healthcare for women.
7. Over 50 Percent Support The Hobby Lobby Ruling
In 2014, Hobby Lobby was taken to court over the fact that they wouldn’t cover birth control for their employees. In June of that year, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that private companies could play the religion card to avoid paying for it. When this case was described to the young Republicans, 55 percent agreed that SCOTUS was right in their decision and most of those surveyed who use birth control think that companies shouldn’t have to cover it if it goes against their religion.
8. Almost Half Would Like Contraception To Be Available Over-The-Counter
According to the findings, 45 percent would like to see oral contraception available over-the-counter. However, of this group, the majority of them were men. Women, on the other hand, believe that talking to a doctor before taking oral birth control should be mandatory.
9. Most Young Republicans Support More Education And Public Funding
Not only do 62 percent of young Republicans believe that more education will help keep unplanned pregnancy rates low, but 50 percent of them actually support increasing public funding for organizations, like Planned Parenthood, that provide both education and services.
10. Those Who Use Birth Control Have A Better Understanding Of It
When it came to familiarity of different types of birth control, 25 percent didn’t have an opinion of options outside of the Pill. But for those who use birth control regularly, most had positive views of IUDs, and 48 percent and 46 percent, positively viewed implantable contraception and patches, respectively.
11. Three Out Of Four Young Republican Women Know Someone Who's Had An Unplanned Pregnancy
The majority of women know someone who accidentally got pregnant and 67 percent of all those surveyed did, as well. What this filtered down to is that three-quarters of respondents feel that unplanned pregnancies are a serious issue, although the survey didn't go as far to say if any of these unwanted pregnancies ended in termination and how the young Republicans felt about that situation.
Is birth control important to you? You can participate in the Thanks, Birth Control campaign November 16, by posting a selfie, and tagging it #ThxBirthControl.
Images: Andrew Zaeh for Bustle; Giphy (6); Bustle