Giving The Gift Of Kylie Cosmetics Just Got Better

Kylie Jenner is feeling extra charitable this holiday season, and that’s good news for the rest of us. Because whatever Jenner’s handing out — I’ll gladly take by the fistful. In the spirit of giving, she’s doing a 12 Days of Christmas promo where each day holds a new and exciting offer as we countdown to Dec. 25. Will Kylie Cosmetics offer gift wrapping for the holidays? Be sure to take advantage of this deal while it lasts!
According to the Kylie Cosmetics Instagram account, the latest offer happening on the beauty website entails shopping for a Lip Kit and receiving a free gift bag in return. Not a bad deal at all. So, every Lip Kit purchased starting at 12 p.m. ET/9 a.m. PT on Dec. 2, will come wrapped in a free Kylie Cosmetics gift bag. That makes your lippie all the more festive (whether you’re buying it for yourself or a friend), so you’re not going to want to miss out on what the second day in the 12 Days of Christmas promotion has to offer.
The first day of surprises included a Lip Vault which sold out in only seven minutes, so clearly, Jenner know what she’s doing when it comes to making the holidays extra special. Stay tuned for what’s to come because she’s got plenty more in store! There's no word yet whether the brand is offering gift-wrapping on other products, but I'd keep checking up — you never know what Jenner has up her sleeve.
Are my eyes deceiving me or is this bag made of suede? I'd love to find this underneath the tree!
It won't be hard to find a lippie that everyone on your list will love. So, purchase one for everyone and get the wrapping sorted out in the process. Holiday shopping made simple, courtesy of Jenner.
She kicked off the 12 days of specials with a bang! And the free gift bag option is pretty great, so I certainly can't wait to see what else is coming our way.
The fact that the Holiday Edition Lip Kits come with new packaging (that can be hung from the tree) make them so give-able. Through in some free wrapping, and you've got the perfect present!
So much shopping to be had! It really is a lot to handle.
No matter what, though, it's totally worth it! Stress, depleted bank accounts and all.
This offer will be gone just as quickly as it came. Be sure to snag your limited edition gift bag before Dec. 3!
Image: kyliecosmetics/Instagram (1)