You know how people who work for the CIA have fake job titles to hide the fact that they work for the CIA? those vague-sounding positions that really don't mean anything? Well, I think that has become a thing for underwear models, too. Big Brother 16’s Cody Calafiore has some dirty laundry that's finally being aired and, since he is inside the Big Brother house, it is left for the world to see. Turns out this “sales account executive” from Howell, New Jersey, is also an underwear model for the brand C-IN2. If this is what a sales accountant executive — and considering that the guy is 23 years old, I’m not sure how executive he actually is — really does, then I went into the wrong field.
As for Cody’s game inside of the Big Brother house, I’m pretty impressed. Cody seems like he knows the game, which, as a fan of Big Brother, I like to hear. He didn’t start the game like a bat out of hell — DID YOU HEAR THAT DEVIN? — although he did secure himself a spot in Big Brother’s biggest (joke of an) alliance ever, the bomb squad. It will be interesting to see if he is all bark and no bite, though, because, let’s be honest, he’s got a lot of bark.
I won’t make you wait any longer. Here's what Cody was up to before Big Brother.
We’ll Start Off Tame. Here is the Short for Every Man
He looks troubled, but don't we all when modeling underwear?
When Playing Football, One Should Always Make Sure to Check Themselves Before They Wreck Themselves
Props to C-IN2 for having that little pocket on the back for a locker key, right?
When Dancing, Only the Best Wear C-IN2
Determination in the eyes, C-IN2 on the thighs.
And Then There Is This...
This is from the "grip" collection.