
You're Going To Love this 'Lady's Instagram

by Allison Piwowarski

Whether it is wearing short shorts to a Fourth of July bash (which is really the only way to go), or refusing to eat veal/Bambi at the Mapperton estate, Ladies of London star Juliet Angus always shines as one of the most memorable women on the Bravo reality series. Sure, she really doesn’t let an argument die — some people just feed on the fight, okay? — but Juliet’s aggressive, feisty, and hilarious personality is refreshing to see during a royally slow episode of Ladies of London.

Besides tell-it-like-it-is Caroline Stanbury, Juliet is my favorite “lady” on LoL. In addition to the fact that we're both from Chicago originally, Juliet is fresh, doesn’t apologize for anything —no really, she literally never apologizes — and her high energy is addicting (ahem, Nicole Reno and Caprice Bourret). And Juliet’s social media presence, more specifically, her Instagram, is no exception. If you like fashion, she’s got it. If you’re a fan of family pictures that are so cute you want to hang them up in your house, you’ve got it. Maybe you’re just a sucker for an inspirational quote? Well forget Pinterest, because Juliet never fails to inspire her followers. Needless to say, I’ve spent hours of my life looking through Juliet’s Instagram, and now you’re about to do the same.

Here are seven reasons why you should be following her, like, yesterday.

She’s got famous friends

Just old friends catching up.

Her family is too cute for comfort


Her hubby is super romantic

She takes mirror pics for the cause of fashion

I think Hamlet's original question was to overall or not to overall, too.

She loves her Ladies of London

It’s nice to see that they actually enjoy hanging out together.

She is super inspirational

BRB, I’m going to go adjust my sails.

She’s got a sense of humor

Because when you and Jared Leto have the same ombre, you absolutely have to acknowledge it.

Images: Bravo; Juliet Angus/Instagram