Sure, you could go ahead and have a beautiful, traditional wedding — white dress, huge cake, gorgeous cathedral, the works. But if you and your spouse-to-be aren’t the traditional type, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t have a wedding that’s more your style. In fact, a ceremony tailored to your unique sensibilities will pretty much always result in a more memorable ceremony. Need a little inspiration? Look no further — as this infographic from so brilliantly states, there’s more than one way to say “I do.”
The UK-based experience specialists recently shared this glorious creation with us, so of course had to pass it along to you, Gentle Readers. You might, for example consider dressing up as your favorite characters, like Sarah and Tony did when they donned Wonder Woman and Superman duds for their nuptials; you could say “I do” while plummeting off a bungee jump platform, if your and your partner are high-octane adrenaline junkies (hi there, Brandon and Nicole Strohbehn!); you could rent jetpacks and have a literally out of this world wedding; or anything else that strikes your fancy. Personally, I kind of dig the jetpack thing. That sounds awesome.
Side note: made a name for themselves across the pond with their crazy zombie experiences. Basically, they’ve taken a variety of locations — an abandoned shopping mall, an old manor house, and so on and so forth — and created exactly what might happen during a zombie apocalypse. Then they throw you into the thick of it, and, well… you do the math. They sound amazing, and I would dearly, dearly love to participate in one myself. If zombies aren’t your thing, though, also can arrange relaxing spa days, flying lessons, chocolate workshops, and all manner of incredible-sounding experiences; head on over there if you’re based in the UK, planning a vacation over there sometime soon, or want to go specifically so you can star in your own version of Dawn of the Dead.
Happy wedding planning!
Images: Senor Gif;