Things are starting to heat up in the Big Brother house this week. The Detonators are turning on one of their own and plan on evicting Zach Rance, the 23-year-old funemployed, recent college graduate (University of Florida, in case the gator clap didn't tip you off). Zach, who entered the Big Brother house looking to be this season's villain, succeed in his intentions to get the house to hate him, but maybe a little too soon in the game. Zach insists on stirring the pot and causing as much drama as possible during ceremonies; Team America hardly had to prompt him to go off on Amber during her nomination. But it seems that all of that is ultimately what will send Zach out of the house on Thursday's live eviction.
But aside from being obnoxious and unpredictable regarding what he was going to say to other houseguests, Zach will be missed if he's sent home. He provided a lot of entertainment that viewers reacted well to, in fact, in a poll that BBFeedster.com hosts each week, Zach has 46 percent of the votes as America's favorite player (while Team America — Donny, Frankie, and Derrick — have 11 percent, 15 percent, and 4 percent respectively). Beyond being America's favorite player, here are six reasons Zach shouldn't be evicted from the Big Brother house:
He is fun to watch
I'm not trying to throw shade at any of the houseguests, but watching some of them is like watching paint dry. Zach provides unlimited entertainment inside of the house, whether it be his over-the-top expressions or constant dance moves.
He causes drama
Zach took it upon himself to cause a little drama inside of the Big Brother house by wanting to nominate members of his own alliance and instigate fights. Despite playing a game where backstabbing and lying are necessary, the other houseguests didn't take to his dramatic game moves well, ultimately aiding in reason to evict him, even though Zach's antics kept the attention off of them.
We need more Zankie
What are we supposed to do without our weekly #Zankie package provided by CBS? The Zankie relationship was is the best showmance in the house, they can't be torn away from each other just yet.
We'll miss his pink hat too much
Every houseguest seems to have their signature item; Cody has his Temple soccer shirt, Jocasta has her bow ties, Frankie has his tie-dye hat, and Zach has his hot pink hat. If he does leave, I hope he at least leaves the hat at the house so we have something to remember him by.
He is a really good dancer
I know Frankie is technically the professional in this situation, but Zach has some really good moves! I think if they keep Zach longer we can Team America vote for a choreographed dance or something?
Three words: Fruit Loop Dingus
If Zach leaves now, who knows all of the great insults we will miss him say to other houseguests!
Images: Sonja Flemming/CBS; AllBBUpdates (6); Housegusts-Eating/Tumblr; Songwriter07/Tumblr