Another Reason To Be Jealous Of Kids

Big things are once again happening in the Spade family world. Kate Spade New York and Jack Spade have partnered up with Gap Kids to launch a holiday line exclusively for the little ones. On Oct. 30, kiddos can shop the collection during its two-week run. The collaboration is a pretty big deal for the Spades — it’s the first time the husband-and-wife duo have paired up to design a line and marks their debut into the children’s world.
I’ll admit, I’m feeling some extreme jealousy towards the under-10 set right now. Gap and Kate Spade are two of my favorite brands, so the collaboration is absolutely perfect. Ugh. If only I could be a kid again. Maybe they can take my bills and responsibilities and I can snag that bow blouse? Please?
Of course, the preview photos of the line look absolutely adorable. The outfits are chic, preppy, and colorful—the true Kate Spade style. And it’s set against a Christmas background? My envy is only growing here.
But, the designer is known for a few other things that should definitely be added to the line. Here are six styles I’m dying to see in the collection. If the line has them all, I might just get over my jealously.
1. Bows
Kate Spade has made bows their signature. Of course, the blouse in the preview photos is adorable (again…envious,) so why not add bows to everything? It’s like a ring: If you like it, then you should’ve but a bow on it.
2. Fun Sayings
Sure — they should probably leave “Pop, Fizz, Clink!” for the 21+ crowd, but we can all eat cake for breakfast.
3. Handbags
Because kiddos need ways to transport their juice boxes and crayons.
4. Book-Inspired Accessories
Kate Spade released a Gatsby-inspired clutch, so why not roll out a few books for the little one? The Very Hungry Caterpillar, anyone?
5. Lots Of Color
“Live Colorfully” is their motto, so it only makes sense to spread that lifestyle to the little ones. I’m expecting lots of hot pink and turquoise, Kate.
6. Glitter
Because you can never go wrong here.
Images: @gapkids (4)/Twitter; @katespadeny (6)/Instagram