
10 Smart Tips About Hooking Up

by Alanna Greco

Sex positive video blogger Laci Green is at it again with a new video about how to hook up. In less than four minutes, she lays out 10 tips for hook ups that ensure that if you chose to hook up, you will have a fun time that you won’t regret.

For those of you who don’t know, Laci Green is a sex education activist with a web series on YouTube called Sex+. On her YouTube channel, which has over a million subscribers and 90 million views, she has tackled topics from why feminism is important and how to deal with creeps on the street, to busting sex myths and discussing the truth about pulling out.

In her newest video, “10 Tips for Hook Ups!” Laci breaks down everything from how to ensure that you are hooking up for the right reasons to making the actual hook up as enjoyable and safe as possible. Check out her tips below:

Tip #1: If you are going to hook up, do it for the right reasons.

Tip #2: Don’t hook up with jerks: they don’t respect you and don’t deserve to hook up with you.

Tip #3: Don’t bring any expectations of commitment into a hook up.

Tip #4: Consent is important, make sure the other person is into it.

Tip #5: Bring the passion — be in the moment when you are hooking up.

Tip #6: Be safe and use protection every time you have sex.

Tip #7: Give and take in a hook up — make sure equal amounts of time is being spent on each other’s pleasure.

Tip #8: Be smart about alcohol — make sure that your partner can consent.

Tip #9: It’s OK to be awkward.

Tip #10: Don’t let anyone slut shame you or prude shame you.

Though we were all (hopefully) already using these tips as a way to have fun, smart and safe hook ups, it never hurts to refresh our memories when it comes to safe sex. So go forth with the confidence of knowing that if you just follow these tips, you will be able to have a great time hooking up with some lucky person.

Watch the full video below.

Image: YouTube/lacigreen