It's no secret to the internet and every Harry Potter fan than ever fanned that Daniel Radcliffe is a stand-up guy and game for just about anything, as evidenced by his recent Reddit AMA and his awesome feminist response to the sexualization of female performers. But one treasure that the internet has long buried and forgotten comes to us from 2009, when Daniel Radcliffe visited an all-girls school in Japan. I have never heard more screaming girls in my entire life, and this is coming from someone who once chaperoned a Hannah Montana concert. Their enthusiasm puts the Potterheads of the world to shame, to the point where a few of them are dangerously close to falling out of windows in an effort to get a glimpse of him.
What he was doing there I couldn't tell you, but when Daniel Radcliffe appears at random, you don't ask questions. This is actually a phenomenon I've experienced firsthand: I happened to be across the street from him on a trip to New York once when Equus let out, so I stood for 45 minutes to get a glimpse of him, only to get tackled (yes, TACKLED) by a FULL-GROWN MAN who apparently loved Radcliffe a lot more than I did. The good news: I did get up on my feet fast enough to still see the top of his head. I might have even screamed. Either from excitement or the giant bruise forming on my butt. Who can really say, not here for your judgment, etc.
I used to harbor rage for the man who did that, but in the years that have passed I've made my peace with him, because Radcliffe's awesomeness perhaps blinds us to logic and even basic civility. In case you need any more evidence, you can watch the video where girls are literally falling to the floor out of sheer excitement when he passes by them in the hallway. You'll also get to experience a moment that proves Daniel Radcliffe Is All Of Us when he gives the only acceptable response to an offering of dessert:
Image: Getty Images