The cold's not bothering me anymore, you guys. Slednecks can throw whatever wild activity they want at me and I'll believe it. Naked snowboarding? Sure. Sierra hooks up with Kelly, but their reunion is playing for a "men and women are different" joke? Not shocked. Tosca is still angry at Trevor? Good! These kids can't shock me anymore. My biggest questions now include why some of them live in what appears to be an abandoned or unfinished second story of a house, and can we please have a Leonard The Boss spinoff? That old man is a hoot and a half. I can't imagine how he puts up with with Trevor and Kelly as boat shop employees all of the time, and I have to wonder if they gossip so much about girls when they aren't being filmed. The show is airing now, but obviously was filmed a while back, over the summer. Yes, this is summer in Alaska. Where are the Slednecks now that MTV's cameras are back in the lower forty eight? Are they all still in Wasilla, or have they moved on? Other than live-tweeting the show on Thursday nights along with all of us, they all seem to be doing a'OK.
Amber Reyes
Is working as a waitress at the Tilted Kilt in Anchorage, Alaska. She definitely stands out on the show, so it's weird to see her blending into this group of "Tilt Girls!"
Tosca Yeager
Tosca is still in Alaska, not in California at Mortuary School just yet. Whether or not this means she's still with Trevor or one of "the herd" remains to be soon. Or, maybe she's delaying her education to continue press for the show. That's understandable.
Kelly Hill
The MMA Fighter still has a drink in his hand, and showed up without a costume to a Halloween party. Lame!
Big Mike
Oh Mike. He's just figuring things out.
Trevor Hash
Trevor seems much more chill these days than his on-camera shenanigans. That is a comfort. Plus, I'm mega jealous of this Juneau view.
Sierra Medgard
Kelly's ex-girlfriend (or friend he bangs real quick or whatever) is still modeling. You can check out Sierra's modeling page on Facebook.
Hali Laughlin
Made that decision that Tosca was struggling with. She's super blonde now.
Sam Barnes
Is getting inked! Tosca must be quite the influence amongst the Slednecks.
Dylan Burgess
Dylan is attempting to cash in on his good looks and connection to his body by doing some modeling.
Zeke Tureki
Besides his arrest record, Slednecks' Zeke is back to work in Wasilla.
Jackie Nanini
Has a mining job. Respect, girl! Jackie has definitely got to be the most impressive of the Slednecks.
Image: MTV