Grumpy Cat's Christmas Movie Is Easy To Find

Thanksgiving is over, and the last scraps of turkey have been turned into sandwiches — it's finally time for the all-out onslaught of holiday cheer. And if you can't just run out and sit in front of the TV whenever you're in the mood to hear some carols, Lifetime has got you covered. They're going to make Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever available on several online and On Demand platforms that are easy to find and affordable — so there's no limit to how many times you can watch it between Saturday night's premiere and Dec. 25. So while you're sitting at your desk working through lunch or trapped inside because of a winter storm dumping three feet of snow outside your door, use the exasperated, agitated tones of Aubrey Plaza voicing a very pessimistic cat, who will no doubt learn to believe in the magic of Christmas, to get you through it.
Some people watch their Christmas movies sitting under a wool blanket, drinking hot cocoa, with a roaring fire in the fireplace. But some Christmas movies, like the upcoming Grumpy Cat Lifetime movie, were meant to be watched while chestnuts roast on an open Firefox. (I find that pun acceptable because it's the holidays.)
On MyLifetime.com
Keep an eye on Lifetime's site — they post a lot of their movies to watch for free after they air. They already have their most recent holiday movie, An En Vogue Christmas available just a week after it played on TV for the first time, so if you're busy with holiday travel or can't even reach for your computer because you're still in a food coma from Thanksgiving leftover, you should be able to see Grumpy Cat early in December. And it's free, which is fitting with the generous holiday spirit. Feliz Navidad!
On Demand
If you have cable, a few providers should make Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever available On Demand the Monday after it premieres on Lifetime, Dec. 1. If you have Direct TV, you can even stream Lifetime on your computer.
Via Amazon & iTunes
And of course you can always go the instant video route, paying for either a rental or to own the movie on your computer. You can buy it from iTunes for 9.99. Amazon, Vudu, and Google Play haven't released their cost yet, but it will probably be comparable. In my mind, it's a pretty good deal. Because the other great thing about Christmas movies? No matter how cynical you are during the rest of the year, you'll always want to indulge in a little guilty pleasure from November-January. Grumpy Cat will make 2015, 2016, and every year that follows the Worst Christmas Ever.
Images: Joseph Viles, Chris Helcermanas-Benge/Lifetime; Giphy (2); Getty Images