
The Worst Porn Site On the Internet

by Emma Cueto

In the latest "everyone and everything is awful" news (which also carries with it a big trigger warning for sexual assault), it seems there is now a stomach-turning porn series called Border Patrol Sex which consists of scenes in which (fictional) border patrol agents rape women trying to cross the US border. Like I said, everyone and everything is awful and the sooner we set the globe on fire the better. I'll get the matches.

The series, which is created by the porn production company Mofos, describes itself as giving viewers "an all access ride-along with Border Agents Smith and Martinez as they patrol the deserts in search of hot border jumpers." And believe it or not, that is actually the least objectionable part of the description. Aside from the predictably crass language used to describe the sex these video depict, the descriptions also leave no doubt that the fictional scenarios depicted in the series are inherently exploitative.

"Getting fucked by border patrol agent is one thing," the site gleefully explains, "but these girls don't know that this doesn't really mean they get to pass the border afterwards. The harsh school of reality!”

It's nauseating.

What makes the whole thing so awful is not only the non-consensual aspect, though that alone is disturbing enough. What makes this even worse, what makes it truly disgustingly heinous, is that the "Border Patrol Sex" videos are mirroring something that actually does happen in real life. Sexual violence against migrant women is horrifically common — according to some reports, up to 80 percent of women attempting to cross the US southern border are raped during their journey. The perpetrators almost never face consequences.

So while the site may use the standard disclaimer about all situations being fictional, it's pretty clear that they are using real life as a twisted "inspiration," especially given, as The Daily Dot points out in their investigation, the site first launched around the same time that reports of sexual abuse of female migrants began to get press attention.

The site is clearly using a real life rape epidemic to make a profit, turning a source of trauma for untold numbers of women and girls into something for dudes on the Internet to get off on.

As The Daily Dot succinctly put it, "Art has never imitated life so disgustingly."

The rape and trauma of real life women is not and should never be treated as anything other than a horror. The idea that it is acceptable to use the violation of some of the most vulnerable women in society in order to bring pleasure to anyone is an affront to humanity. It is repulsive, and it needs to stop.

Image: Giphy